Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fixing 2012: Obama moves to eliminate superdelegates

A move to head off revolt in 2012?
Breaking rules, changing rules, manipulating rules, ignoring rules: this politician learned a great deal in Chicago.
December 31, 2009
Ed Lasky
When one looks back at the origin of the Democratic Party endowing so-called super-delegates with power to influence nominations for the Presidency it is apparent that the rules were meant to tamp down on any radicalization in the party a la George McGovern. Elder party leaders and current Congressmen became super-delegates. They had the ability to check popular excesses or tamp down choices that might be perceived as being too radical for America as a whole.
One of the key reasons Barack Obama won the nomination is because of his early primary success in so-called caucus states: where his campaign was able to tap, and influence, individuals rather than relying on party leaders. His campaign won on a wave of populism: the type of mindlessness the super-delegate process was designed to tamp down.
Even down to the wire, there was hope in the Hillary Clinton campaign that super-delegates would come to her rescue.
Now, Obama and his minions, are gearing up to kill off super-delegates in a bid to help ensure his re-nomination in 2012. Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith of Politico have the story:

Democrats are moving to eliminate from the party's national convention the superdelegates, the elected officials and party leaders whose role in the presidential nominating process came under intense scrutiny in last year's closely-contested primary.
Those superdelegates provided, for a time, a lifeline to then-Sen.
Hillary Clinton's flagging campaign, and the effective end of their independent role would be a major step toward reshaping the Democratic Party - and its internal politics - in President Barack Obama's image.
A group created by the Democratic National Committee to examine the role of the superdelegates, the Democratic Change
Commission - steered by the Obama campaign's top delegate counter, Jeff Berman - held a conference call Wednesday to recommend that these unpledged delegates cast their votes based upon the electoral results of their states rather than on personal preference.
The recommendations of the commission, co-chaired by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, will now go before the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee.
While the elimination of superdelegates isn't likely to have any impact in 2012, when the party is all but certain to renominate President Obama, commission members say it will help democratize future presidential primaries.
"I think the goal here was to get away from what felt like almost a disenfranchisement at some point in time to the voters and to the caucus members in the various states," McCaskill said.

Would sitting Congressman-who are facing pressure by supporting Obama and his policies be reluctant to vote to re-nominate him in 2012? Whether that is true will be irrelevant if Obama's plans to take away their power reach fruition.
This looks likely to happen as the three key players are all close allies of Barack Obama.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

pride, envy, and a sense of inferiority - that's what little jihadi's are made of

"They (the West) did it" is far easier than looking inward to address tribalism, gender apartheid, statism, autocracy, religious intolerance, and fundamentalism, which in perfect-storm fashion ensure an impoverished — and resentful and angry — radical Islamic community while the rest of the world moves merrily on.
... it is time to stop the apologetics and kowtowing, and grudgingly accept that thousands of radical Islamic fundamentalists worldwide want to kill Americans — and dozens of governments, at least on the sly, hope that they do.
Learning from Abdul Mutallab
December 29, 2009
by Victor Davis Hanson
NRO’s The Corner
Coming on the heels of the killing spree by Maj. Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, the latest terrorist "incident," involving Abdul Mutallab on Northwest Flight 253, is yet another isolated but tell-tale sign that we must learn from:
1) If solidly middle-class Westernized Muslims mouth the al-Qaeda line of radical Islamic, anti-American boilerplate, please take them seriously — i.e., worry less about their feelings and more about the lives of innocents they may in the future seek to annihilate. The more upscale and the more the Western exposure, the more there is to worry about.
2) For the last eight years, many have patiently tried to suggest that the answer to "Why do they hate us?" does not entail poverty, Western imperialism or colonialism, support for Israel, past provocations, etc. Rather, radical Islam encourages in an Hasan or Mutallab age-old passions like pride, envy, and a sense of inferiority — all accelerated by instantaneous communications and abetted by continual Western apologetics that on a global level blame Westerners for self-induced misery in many Islamic countries. "They did it" is far easier than looking inward to address tribalism, gender apartheid, statism, autocracy, religious intolerance, and fundamentalism, which in perfect-storm fashion ensure an impoverished — and resentful and angry — radical Islamic community while the rest of the world moves merrily on.
3) I think the year-long mantra of "Bush destroyed the Constitution" is now almost over, and we will begin again worrying about our collective safety rather than scoring partisan points by citing supposed excesses in our anti-terrorism efforts. With the delay in closing Guantanamo (from the promised shuttering on Jan. 20, 2010 to . . . sometime in 2011?), Obama's quiet copy-catting of Bush security protocols (such as wiretaps, intercepts, tribunals, and renditions), and the popular outcry against the upcoming show trial of KSM in New York, a public consensus is growing that radical Muslims like Hasan and Mutallab will continue to attempt to kill Americans. Citizens increasingly understand that the last eight years of relative safety following 9/11 were due only to heightened security at home and proactive use of force abroad, that we should cease trying to appease radical Islam by dreaming up new euphemisms ("overseas contingency operations," "man-made disasters," etc.), and that it is time to stop the apologetics and kowtowing, and grudgingly accept that thousands of radical Islamic fundamentalists worldwide want to kill Americans — and dozens of governments, at least on the sly, hope that they do. Such venom has nothing to do with past American behavior or George Bush's strut, nor can it be ameliorated on the cheap by Barack Obama's Nobel Prize, middle name, or reset-button diplomacy.
4) As we learned on 9/11, it is often the unsung heroes among us that come out of the shadows to aid us, and not necessarily large bureaucracies entrusted with our safety. Individuals acting on their own so often make the difference between salvation and mass murder.
5) After the embarrassing debate about Hasan (e.g., "Was he a terrorist?"; second-hand post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc.), I don't think the public will put up with similar contextualization about Mutallab.
6) The politics of anti-terrorism in this administration will insidiously begin to change, given that there was no repeat of 9/11 between 2001 and 2009 — and that thereafter, signs began to emerge that radical Muslims were reenergized and eager to trump their feat of eight years ago. In such a climate, one must worry more about the passengers on Flight 253 and less about whether self-confessed mass murderer and beheader KSM is given a public venue to explain his hatred of the United States, and is granted rights usually not accorded to such out-of-uniform and self-proclaimed terrorist enemies. So a little more "Beware of radical Muslim terrorists who want to murder us — and won't!" and a little less chest-thumping about dropping the supposedly retrograde "War on Terror."

Universities & colleges are a jihadi breeding ground

Abdulmutallab is the fourth president of a London student Islamic society to face terrorist charges in three years
Security sources are concerned that the picture emerging of his undergraduate years suggests that he was recruited by al-Qaeda in London. Security sources said that Islamist radicalisation was rife on university campuses, especially in London, and that college authorities had “a patchy record in facing up to the problem”. Previous anti-terrorist inquiries have uncovered evidence of extremists using political meetings and religious study circles to identify potential recruits.
He is the fourth president of a London student Islamic society to face terrorist charges in three years. One is facing a retrial on charges that he was involved in the 2006 liquid bomb plot to blow up airliners. Two others have been convicted of terrorist offences since 2007.
Mr Abdulmutallab left UCL last year. The Times has learnt that his attempt to renew his student visa in May this year was based on an application to study “life coaching” at a non-existent college...

Can he remake America before the next elections? - VDH

... we should expect new government agencies and thousands more government employees — all working in concert with their foreign counterparts to monitor American(s)...
Controversial decisions are quietly announced late on Friday afternoons. Congressional debates and votes on controversial legislation happen on weekends and holidays — all the better to ensure that the American people won’t tune in to see the making of what they don’t want but must have.
... Such is always the way of the guardian class, from Platonic fantasy to its darker manifestations as so aptly depicted by Orwell.
Our Year of Obama

Obama is in a great race
By Victor Davis Hanson
America is at a day of reckoning that it never quite expected to face...

Flight 253 - media covers up 2nd man arrested on flight

Search dogs were brought into Detroit Metro about an hour after the Flight 253 passengers entered the airport. While the dogs sniffed multiple bags, Huisinga said one dog sat down in front of a bag carried by a middle-aged man who was wearing a nice suit.
Second person was detained by U.S. Customs after alleged attack on Flight 253
By Sheena Harrison
December 29, 2009, 6:46 PM
A person was detained by customs at Detroit Metro Airport on Friday following Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, according to a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
It is unknown why the person was detained or whether the person will face any charges, spokesman Ron Smith told
Bill Carter, a spokesman with the FBI in Washington, D.C., said in an interview Tuesday that Abdulmutallab was the only person arrested or charged in relation to Friday's foiled attack.
The news about a person being taken into custody comes after two passengers aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 said they saw a second man being taken away in handcuffs on Christmas Day while they and others were waiting to be interviewed by FBI agents at the airport. Smith was unable to say whether that man was the person detained by customs officials...

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Arab Street in America...

FPM: Tell us a bit more about the Arab Street and how active it is in America.
Trento: A simple definition for the concept, Arab Street, is “an out of control Arab gang intent on change through force, terror, destruction and…even death, when necessary.”
Basically, it is how many Middle East countries operate on a daily basis... Muslims believe that their collective power, as a gang, will intimidate their opponents, causing such fear that the Muslims will get their way, thus exerting their Islamic supremacy...
2nd Annual ON GUARD Rally in FLA 12/30/09
For rally details, click here.
To see the Hamas 12/08 video, click here.
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council.
FP: Tom Trento, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I want to talk to you today about the rally your group is coordinating for Dec 30.
But first, let me ask you this. Last year, on Dec 30, 2008, you videotaped a pro-Hamas demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In days, the You Tube video, went “viral,” around the world. What happened?
Trento: My video camera, not unlike a microscope in a laboratory, discovered a “virus” of such lethality, on the streets of Fort Lauderdale, that it makes the bubonic plague look like a runny nose.
The frightening problem is that we have no cure, for the infectious growth of the Arab Street here on the streets of America. Here is what happened:

2010 Breaking Point
Top Trends
By Gerald Celente
KINGSTON, NY - The first decade of the 21st century is going out the way it came in, with a bust and a bang.
The Great Recession is not over. There is no recovery. It's a cover up. Expect another wave of terrorism. Possibly of 9/11 magnitude. As well as challenges, also expect profitable and transformational social, health, environmental, entertainment, cultural, business and consumer trends to emerge in 2010...
The Crash of 2010: The Bailout Bubble is about to burst. Be prepared for the onset of the Greatest Depression.
Depression Uplift: The pursuit of elegance and affordable sophistication will raise spirits and profits.
Terrorism 2010: Years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq ¬ and now Pakistan ¬ have intensified anti-American sentiment. 2010 will be the year of the lone-wolf, self-radicalized gunman.
Neo-Survivalism: A new breed of survivalist is devising ingenious stratagems to beat the crumbling system. And, they're not all heading for the hills with AK-47's and pork & beans.
Not Welcome Here: Fueled by fear and resentment, a global anti-immigration trend will gather force and serve as a major plank in building a new political party in the US.
TB or Not TB: With two-thirds of Americans Too Big (TB) for their own good (and everyone else's), 2010 will mark the outbreak of a "War on Fat," providing a ton of business opportunities.
Mothers of Invention: Taking off with the speed of the Internet revolution, "Technology for the Poor" will be a major trend in 2010, providing products and services for newly downscaled Western consumers and impoverished consumers everywhere.
Not Made In China: A "Buy Local," "My Country First" protectionist backlash will deliver a big "No" to unrestrained globalism and open solid niches for local and domestic manufacturers.
The Next Big Thing: Just as the traditional print media (newspapers/magazines) were scooped by Internet competition, so too will new communication technologies herald the end of the TV networks as we know them.
The Trends Research Institute has a 30-year unparalleled track record of accurate forecasts. © Trends Research Institute MMIX

Quote of the Day

Anyone can become angry - that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right reasons, and in the right way - that is not easy.
- Aristotle
Outlaw islam in this country - NOW!
Invoke the Tenth Amendment - NOW!
Impeach HUSSEIN obama - NOW!

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

by DefendUSx December 26, 2009 22:16

A second Nigerian arrested Sunday on Northwest's Amsterdam-to-Detroit Flight

Napolitano: No indication of larger terror plot...
Accused NORTHWEST Bomber Says More On the Way...
PAPER: 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb airliners...
Two 'suspicious' Middle Eastern men detained on Phoenix-bound U.S. Airways Flight 192 from Orlando, Florida...
No danger on Sunday flight to Detroit - just an ill passenger... Muslim... from Nigeria... defying numerous orders from flight crew... in bathroom several times throughout flight... let's not jump to conclusions now you islamophobes...
Sunday: A Second Amsterdam-Detroit airplane incident: report
(Note: later reports say that the incident is not security related. The Nigerian passenger was disruptive, and was arrested when the plane landed. Or is this also part of the psy-ops?)
This is from Reuters, posted 2:46 pm EST:
WASHINGTON (Reuters)--Northwest Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam was involved in an emergency incident on its approach to Detroit on Sunday, CNN reported. CNN said crew members requested emergency assistance upon landing after reporting a disruptive passenger. The plane landed safely in Detroit. This was the same flight number as the one involved in the Christmas Day incident in which a Nigerian man was charged with attempting to blow up the Northwest passenger jet. Delta Air Lines has taken over Northwest.

This is from the AP:
By DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writer
Posted: 12/27/2009 11:44:40 AM PST
WASHINGTON--The Associated Press has learned that a second Nigerian man has been taken into custody aboard a jetliner in Detroit after locking himself in the airliner's bathroom.
A law enforcement official tells the AP that the incident took place aboard the same Northwest flight that was attacked on Christmas Day. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the incident was ongoing.
A Delta spokeswoman says all 256 passengers have been safely taken off the plane. Delta operates the Northwest flight.
[end of article]
The lesson is the same lesson, it doesn't change.
Muslims will keep messing us up our minds, and testing our defenses, and looking for ways to kill us, and attempting to kill us, and killing us, and accusing us of Islamophobia for trying to stop them from killing us, so long as they are allowed to reside in and travel in the West.
The only solution, short of the disappearance of Islam from the earth, is the
permanent separation of Islam from our country, from the West as a whole, and from the rest of the world to the extent possible.
other articles on this subject.

Where Did These Guys Come From? - VDH

The Origins of Obamism
December 26, 2009
by Victor Davis Hanson
Pajamas Media
I do not think it will be easy to delay Obamism. It is not just that both houses of Congress are under liberal leadership with ample majorities, with a White House and captive media egging them on. The problem is that now the entire engine of the federal government is harnessed in the most unapologetic way to pushing through a far left agenda. There is no shame, no hesitancy in using the full powers of the state.
How does that work out? Without qualification (remember we are in a new age of transparency and ethical reform) votes are bought with hundred-million-dollar earmarks; the attorney general predicates judicial action on the political ramifications of indicting or not indicting; federal bureaucracies (watch the EPA if cap-and-trade stalls) are devoted to the new Caesar rather than the letter of the law.
Such a strange scenario we have found ourselves in — a clear majority of Americans is opposed to almost everything Obama has to offer; congressional representatives know they are acting against the will of the people, but know too that they are offered all sorts of borrowed money for their districts to compensate for their unpopular actions. And a charismatic commander in chief believes that he can charm even the angriest of critics, and that anything he promises (Iran’s deadlines, closing of Guantanamo, new transparency, no more lobbyists, etc) means zilch and can be contextualized by another “let me be perfectly clear” speech spiced with a couple of the usual “it would have been impossible for someone as unlikely as me to have become President just (fill in the blanks) years ago.”
No, I would not count Obama out. So what drives his agenda? What are its origins?...
Orwell Couldn't Make This Up
Victor Davis Hanson:
There is a reason "Orwelling" has become a hackneyed phrase with the new Democratic regime...

Memphis man out on $100 bail after threatening jihad in Memphis

Dec 28, 2009 11:36 AM
by Ed Morrissey
Let’s play a little game of You’re The Judge. Police arrest a man who has told seven Memphis businesses that he would “blow [them] to pieces” if they didn’t close. When police pulled him over, they discover three cassettes with Islamic instruction on them, and discover that the suspect, Mohamed Ibrahim, has been telling people that he wants to conduct jihad in Memphis. When they arrest him, he kicks out the window of the police cruiser and has to be subdued with pepper spray.
Ibrahim is charged with commission of an act of terrorism, filing false reports, and disorderly conduct. Would you release him on $100 bond?...

INTERPOL now has power in US over US Law Enforcement

Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American law-enforcement?
By Ed Morrissey • December 23rd, 2009
Sovereignty issue?
Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?
In the dead of night on December 17, 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama placed the United States of America under the authority of the international police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full immunity to operate within the United States. According to Threatswatch:
Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released anExecutive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new levelof full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies andselect other "International Organizations" as set forth in theUnited States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.
By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order12425, this international law enforcement body now operates - nowoperates - on American soil beyond the reach of our own top lawenforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
What, exactly does this mean? It means that INTERPOL now has thefull authority to conduct investigations and other law enforcementactivities on U.S. soil, with full immunity from U.S. laws such asthe Freedom of Information Act and with complete independence fromoversight from the FBI.
In short, a global law enforcement entity now has full law-enforcement authority in the U.S. without any check on its powerafforded by U.S. law and U.S. law enforcement agencies.A bit of background is in order here, and Hot Air provides it:
During his presidency, Ronald Reagan granted the global policeagency Interpol the status of diplomatic personnel in order toengage more constructively on international law enforcement.
In Executive Order 12425, Reagan made two exceptions to that status.
The first had to do with taxation, but the second was to make surethat Interpol had the same accountability for its actions asAmerican law enforcement — namely, they had to produce records whendemanded by courts and could not have immunity for their actions.
Barack Obama unexpectedly revoked those exceptions in a change toEO 12425 last (week)...Thus, Interpol now can conduct its operations on U.S. soil withZERO accountability to anyone in this country.
Are you beginning to understand now just what the 'end game' is onthe part of those who are currently running the U.S. Government?
Let's go a step further in fleshing out exactly what this means inpractical terms. It gets ugly...and scary. Again, from ThreatsWatch:
Section 2c of the United States International OrganizationsImmunities Act is the crucial piece.Property and assets of international organizations, whereverlocated and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unlesssuch immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. Thearchives of international organizations shall be inviolable.(Emphasis added.)
Inviolable archives means INTERPOL records are beyond US citizens'Freedom of Information Act requests and from American legal orinvestigative discovery ("unless such immunity be expresslywaived.")Property and assets being immune from search and confiscation meansprecisely that. Wherever they may be in the United States. Thiscould conceivably include human assets - Americans arrested on oursoil by INTERPOL officers.
Why would INTERPOL be arresting American citizens on our own soil,without oversight from our own law enforcement agencies? Andremember, citizens who are thusly arrested would have no legalauthority to demand full documentation from the InternationalPolice concerning the charges brought against them.
Andy McCarthy at National Review asks these crucial, soberingquestions of the secretive Obama order:Why would we elevate an international police force above Americanlaw? Why would we immunize an international police force from thelimitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, withinthe Justice Department, a repository for stashing government fileswhich, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, Americanlaw-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?
At least one answer to these questions is very clear. A coup isunderway in the United States of America, the goal of which is toestablish complete, unquestioned authority over the citizens--a'fundamental change' to the United States where citizens have nolegal recourse against an authoritarian central government.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Friday, December 18, 2009

Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero

Muslim business leader: 'This has hand of the divine written over it'
A new Islamic mosque will open its doors just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001 – and its leading imam, who conducts sensitivity training sessions for the FBI, has reportedly blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians...
Find out the latest right now at
PLUS! A member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is wondering why President Obama apparently is suppressing information assembled by an investigation into the Nov. 5 attack at Fort Hood by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist who reportedly shouted "Allahu akbar," or "Allah is greatest," while killing more than a dozen soldiers and civilians.
Click here for details...
Viral video: 'Fight with me to take back America'

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"... the most immoral presidency in American history." - Pamela Gellar
Obama's 911: The Sequel
Skin crawling moment. Obama's war on America blasts off our bloodied backs. Here is the preview, the overture, if you will, to the Islamic public spectacle of the NYC terror trial. Christians meet lions.
Read the document below, the "Islamic response to Government's Nine Accusations". There are many informing Koranic lessons in this document. This is Islam. This is what inspires thousands of Islamic jihadists across the world annually. Learn everything.
This is the most immoral presidency in American history.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed sounds like Obama in this document.
It will make you sick. (hat tip Jake):
“The Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations”
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
FROM: The 9/11 Shura' Council
... With regards to these nine accusations that you are putting us on trial for; to us, they are not accusations. To us they are badges of honor, which we carry with pride. Many thanks to God, for his kind gesture, and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause and to defend Islam and Muslims.Therefore, killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you, responding back to your attacks, are all considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion. These actions are our offerings to God..

Bob Wright's speech to Tea Partiers in El Paso.
This is another hard-hitting speech from Bob Wright, Ist BDE New Mexico Militia and former Minuteman:
I submit to you tonight that REVOLUTION has come to Our Republic. That, it is the Government who now stands in OPEN ARROGANT REBELLION TO IT’S PEOPLE. They have made it CLEAR that they do not represent us anymore. Remember this, if you remember nothing else. The elitist conservative Republican Senator has far more in common with, and will identify far more with an elite Liberal Democrat Senator than he will ever identify with you!If this Republic is to be saved, it will not be saved by the very bureaucrats who seek to destroy it. If the Republic is to be saved, it must be saved by YOU! You working in unison with other Patriots who are committed to seeing the Constitution returned to its place of Supremacy.
The next point is critical.
How far should we go in order to restore Constitutional Government? We must make them understand, with no room for confusion that we are prepared to go to ANY length to restore the Republic...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hmmm . . . Yet Another Dry Run?:

United 227 Sounds Just Like AirTran 297
For those doubters who mocked me and chose to believe a lying AirTran over passenger Tedd J. Petruna regarding what happened on AirTran Flight 297 on November 17th, you might wanna start mocking the passengers of Wednesday’s United 227, too. Oh, and maybe you might wanna start calling former NFL coach Mike Shanahan a nut, too. He was on the flight.
It’s yet another flight grounded because Middle Eastern men tried to create havoc, test the system, and likely do a dry run. It’s almost an identical scenario with flight attendants scared out of their minds, etc.
But, hey, nothing to see here, move along. You know the drill: we’re just “bigots”. Uh-huh. So what happened on this flight? Why was a bomb-sniffing K9 brought in? And why were several “Middle-Eastern” men escorted off? Huh?...

"Our Constitution was made for a moral and righteous people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." - John Adams
Larrey Anderson
Our country is in big trouble ... huge trouble. It is time that Americans took a hard look at our values, our conception of justice, and our standards for truth.
This piece is intended as a first step in that direction...

Like the worst Twilight Zone Episode... Ever
D.C. hands out $15M in bonuses despite recession, budget...
Federal Employees Owe Uncle Sam $3 Billion in Unpaid Taxes...
UPDATE: Democrats plan nearly $2 trillion debt limit hike...
UPDATE: Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders...
RASMUSSEN POLL: Obama Job Approval Falls to New Low at 44%...
Obama gives himself a 'B+' in Oprah interview
Secret document exposes Iran's nuclear trigger...
White House Hanukkah Party Spawns Anger...
Natural disasters at decade low...
Developing countries boycott UN climate talks...
Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Mugabe to address climate negotiators in Copenhagen...
Snowy dusting in Australia's summer...
Cape Cod: Winter weather increases dolphin, turtle strandings...
Canada freezes as 'one of the worst snow storms on record' strands thousands...
Blago lawyers seek FBI interview details with Obama, Rahm, Jarett...
'Welcome to Obamaville' Sign Marks Colorado Homeless Tent City...

Saturday, December 12, 2009


According to an obscure report in the European Union Times (, "Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued an order to his Northern Command's (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to 'begin immediately' increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
By Chuck Baldwin
December 11, 2009
"According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks 'numerous' meetings with his war council abut how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nation's banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a 'last ditch gambit' whose success is 'far from certain.'"
The EU Times article continues by saying, "To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later."
The Times story goes on to say that there are "over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode."

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Americans Protest KSM Trial in NYC

Ron Bass, UPA: "If KSM show trial goes on President Obama will be guilty of treason. If KSM is tried for his 911 war crimes in a civil court in NYC it will amount to an act of giving aid and comfort to our enemies."
Read it all!
Homeland Security Appoints Devout Muslims
(Read the comments)

December 5, 2009
Contact: Bill Zeiser at or (516) 448-5489Website:
Despite Cold, Heavy Rain and Wind, Large Crowd Gathers To Protest Trying Terrorists as CiviliansNEW YORK, DECEMBER 5, 2009 — Today, several thousand protesters gathered at Foley Square in New York City to rally against Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and 4 other 9/11 co-conspirators as civilians in federal court.

Despite bitter cold, strong winds and heavy rain the crowd stayed through the 2-hour rally. The event was organized by the 9/11 Coalition to Never Forget and featured speakers representing 9/11 family members, first responders and our troops.

Among the notable moments: actor Brian Dennehy read a statement from Judea and Ruth Pearl, the parents of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Dennehy, reading their words, said “We, who witnessed the darkest side of hell, and have since spent every moment of our lives studying the anatomy of terror, we refuse to accept the strategy of normalization that Holder's decision represents. Terror is a crime against society, and should not be tried in the same court as crimes against individuals or against a particular country.”

Dennehy was one of several entertainment stars who issued a statement challenging Holder’s decision to bring the terrorist detainees to New York City for civilian trials, along with Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Danny Aiello, Robert Davi, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Ben Stein.

As the rain continued to pour and the wind howled, the crowd’s enthusiasm never waned, sending a powerful message to those seeking to bring war criminals like the 9/11 mastermind to trial in US civilian court: New Yorkers and their fellow Americans view this issue as one of national and Constitutional survival, and they will fight Holder’s decision all the way.

The rally was covered by national and local media and will be online at C-SPAN here:
Full List of Speakers:
MELISSA KEENE: “Star Spangled Banner”
STEVE MALZBERG (M.C.) Talk-Show Host
DEBRA BURLINGAME 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America
GREG & LAUREN MANNING 9/11 survivors
EDITH LUTNICK Representing 800 Families of Cantor Fitzgerald
ANDY McCARTHY Former Federal Prosecutor
DAVID BEAMER Father of Todd Beamer
ZUHDI JASSER American Islamic Forum for Democracy
ROBIN & RON GRIFFIN Gold Star Parents
DANIEL RODRIGUEZ: “God Bless America”

TO ALL KIDS WHO SURVIVED 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's

Thanks to Chad in North Dakota for sending me this!
Here's to US!!!!
No matter what our kids and the new generation think about us, WE ARE AWESOME !!!!
To Those of Us Born 1930 - 1979
At the end of this email is a quote of the month by Jay Leno..
If you don't read anything else, please read what he said.
Very well stated, Mr... Leno.
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!
First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/ordrank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a canand didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummiesin baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints..
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks ondoors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.
As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no carseats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, baldtires and sometimes no brakes.
Riding in the back of a pick- up truck on a warm day wasalways a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle..
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottleand no one actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon. Wedrank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar. And, we weren'toverweight..
Because we were always outside playing...that's why!
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as longas we were back when the streetlights came on....
No one was able to reach us all day. And, we were OKAY.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride them down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running intothe bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.
We did not have Play stations, Nintendo's and X-boxes. Therewere no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no videomovies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms. WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth andthere were no lawsuits from these accidents.
We would get spankings with wooden spoons, switches, pingpong paddles, or just a bare hand and no one would callchild services to report abuse.
We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.
We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up gameswith sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told itwould happen, we did not put out very many eyes.
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked onthe door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them.
Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law wasunheard of. They actually sided with the law!
These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation andnew ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and welearned how to deal with it all. If YOU are one of them, CONGRATULATIONS!
You might want to share this with others who have had theluck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and thegovernment regulated so much of our lives for our own good. While you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave and lucky their parents were.
Kind of makes you want to run through the house withscissors, doesn't it ? ~
The quote of the month is by Jay Leno:
'With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country fromone end to another, and with the threat of N1H1 flu andterrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?'
For those that prefer to think that God is not watching over us...
go ahead and delete this....
For the rest of us...pass this on.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Fall of the Republic: Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome

Read it all: In other words bravery is infectious.
Listen to Audio Version Here
By Frank Roman
Several days ago I watched an online video called Fall of the Republic. In this two hour documentary we are given a healthy dose of what appears to be rock solid evidence depicting the cause of our nation’s current slide into a monetary and cultural abyss.
Without mercy, Fall of the Republic eviscerates Republicans, Democrats, corporations, the media, education, and financial institutions which are clearly responsible for the political social and moral meltdown of the West, in particular the United States. The film paints a lurid picture of corrupt interconnected universal/corporate networks and how they have morphed into The New World Order.
The film explains how a generation’s long criminal enterprise managed by globalists (urban-coastal types) are operating under the guise of humankind’s "greater good;" all the while undermining our nation’s people, sovereignty and resources for the sake of unimaginable wealth and power. Of course, the centerpiece of this film is the presidency of Barack Obama and his unfailing complicity toward this end.
While Fall of the Republic was spot on regarding the government’s obstruction of the Bill of Rights as a deep-seated threat to the freedom of its people they forgot to mention exactly how the government began to incrementally abrogate those rights.
To that end the film said nothing as to how in the 1940’s a group of Marxist intellectuals who had been subverting Germany fled and landed in New York to set up shop in order to begin their long march here through the institutions and obstructing the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. As a result institutes like the government, the media, banking, education, psychology, religion--all that had previously belonged to white Americans -- are now considered ugly, alien, and threatening by a large share of the population.
Fall of the Republic didn’t address the historical record which reveals it was the Frankfurt School Marxists who gave us Third World immigration, destroyed the nuclear family, encouraged sloth, encouraged miscegenation, incited campus chaos in the 60’s, marginalized the middle class, and mangled the ideals and traditions that made America what it used to be prior to World War II and just afterwards.
In other words they attacked us from within. And now today under the accelerated sedition of Barack Obama -- he who cannot be criticized because he’s black – the film accurately presents the United States as having become deeply sick racially culturally and politically.
Not unlike most other living entities on earth an organic nation can’t by definition remain in a state of profound rot for very long…echoes of the Roman Empire...
Read It All

'09: Jihad in America - A list to remind all we are under attack
There are many American people who have short memories and do not remember that in this Country, there is a Jihad movement under way.
It is in the interest of the Nation to realize what has occurred and by so doing, know what to expect in the near future. I believe that all of these cases and incidents brought together on a single listing will prompt most readers to conclude that the magnitude of the threat we face inside the United States is greater than they previously believed. There were more but the serious incidents are listed below.
Start doing your homework and wake up to the fact we are under attack, right here on our home land. The Anti-Terrorism Task Forces are working overtime to secure the safety of this Country and are working in tandem with a weak and incompetent President that is not and has not shown resolve to protect this Country. Why???
There are many reasons and I leave that up to each individual to determine.Serious and Patriotic citizens are already aware of the dangers around us and thank the good Lord there are more of them than the citizens that care only about " American idol" "So you think you can dance" etc.... and all the mind dulling garbage on the TV.
These are the same people that put Abeam in the Oval Office... that tells the story!
Stay alert and stay informed!!!!

DHS: Imminent? Threat from al-Qaeda sympathizers in U.S.
By Spencer S. Hsu
December 3, 2009
Al-Qaeda followers are inside the United States and would like to attack targets here and in other countries, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday night.
The secretary's comments were her bluntest assessment yet of terror threats within the country, and they came one day after President Obama, in announcing his decision to send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, warned that extremists have been "sent here from the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan to commit more acts of terror..."

Female jihadis training on U.S. soil
Watch this brief video. It is clear that this is not play-acting, not comic opera soldiery, but very real training — and for what? What do authorities think these women are doing this for? To stay in shape? They’re training for battle. For combat.

Andy McCarthy: Somebody at Fort Hood Should Be Walking the Plank
The always superb Andy McCarthy expands on the post here: Prepare to be infuriated. It’s been brought to my attention by several reliable sources that the Defense Department has brought Louay Safi to Fort Hood as an instructor, and that he has been lecturing on Islam to our troops
Arkansas jihadist’s father: FBI tracked his son for two years, did nothing
Politically correct dhimmitude at work again? Did the FBI agents tracking Abdulhakim Muhammad fear being accused of “Islamophobia” if they did anything about this jihadist?
Spain: Islamic supremacists kidnap woman, condemn her to death for adultery
She escaped, but here is a glimpse into Europe’s glorious future.
U.K.: Gov’t ministers given list of forbidden words and politically correct alternatives for discussing… that certain problem
Partying like it’s 1984.
Former Guantánamo detainee now top al-Qaeda ideologue
“He was transferred to Saudi Arabia in 2006 where he was placed in a national rehabilitation project.” That’s just worked wonders.


Binghampton University:
New York Professor Stabbed to Death by Egyptian Student...
Hizb-ut-Tahrir: Prevent AIDS with Stonings and Whippings...
Cab Driver Sexually Assaults Woman with Cerebral Palsy...
Boy Raped and Killed in Mosque Bathroom...
Scottish Soccer Fans Told to Wave Palestinian Flags...
British Street Gang Considering Suicide Bombings...
Spate of Maid Suicides Sheds Light on Abuse (Lebanon)...
Imam Calls for His Own Son's Murder for Leaving Islam...
Seattle Cop Killer Hailed as 'Muslim Martyr'...
62-Year-Old Nun Carjacked by 'Asians'...
Woman Learn Self-Defense to Fend Off Egyptian Gropers...
(Canada) Arrest Made in Brutal Assault, Robbery...
Elderly Russian Woman Gave Only Pair of Shoes to Bomb Victim...
Radical Cleric Forecasts America's Demise...
Survey: 59% of Muslim Turks Against Allowing Other Religions to Meet Openly, Exchange Ideas...
'Disobedient' Maid Dies from Two Days of Torture...
Moral Police Take Down Two Gay Men (Kuwait)...
'Practically Impossible to Build a New Church in Turkey'...
Woman Strangled with Wet Towel to 'Maintain Family Honor'...
(Australia) 'Middle Eastern' Gang Rapists Charged...
Jihad du Jour: 16 Children Among 40 Killed at Mosque...
Torture 'Systematic' in Egypt...
Hindu Temples Violently Attacked by 'Muslim Fascists'...
161 Indonesian Pilgrims Die Making Haj...
Rare Act of Charity by Mosque on Behalf of UK Flood Victims...
Doctor Who Exposed Iranian Torture Killed by Poisoned Salad
(Italy) Would-Be Convert Hangs Himself after Beatings by Family
No Joke: Hezbollah May Sit on UN Security Council...
Shooting Breaks Out After Muslim Girl Complimented...
Muslim-American Suffers Hurt Feelings over Joke...

Victor Davis Hanson
"Dean Obama"
12/2/09: Was the speech yesterday made by our Commander-in-Chief or a Noble Peace Prize Laureate?
"We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"
The state of affairs is going to get worse.
"Candid Camera Moments"
Some small incidents have symbolic importance in presidential admnistrations.
"A Manifest Disaster"
These show trials have some very scary implications.
"Bowing, Dithering and Trashing America"
A Peculiar Presidency: What do you get when you mix a narcissist and Chicago-style politics?

All is not well

If Mr. Obama succeeds, get ready for the crash. It is coming.
If Mr. Obama succeeds in enacting his health care reform, he will move on to his plan for a "comprehensive immigration reform" that will put illegal immigrants on a "pathway to citizenship" - making them eligible for the federal health care entitlement.
By Terence P. Jeffrey
When President Obama entered office in January, the greatest problem America faced was neither the war in Afghanistan nor the recession. It was the imminent crisis of the welfare state.
Not only has Mr. Obama failed to deal with this crisis, he is pursuing policies that will bankrupt America...

Major Hasan's PowerPoint Presentation: Muslims in the Military

MA: 'Brazilian National' Accused of Forcibly Raping Boy in Department Store
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Illegal Alien Gets 15-Year Prison Term for Tulsa Homicide
Thursday, December 3, 2009
OR: Illegal Alien Smugglers Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison
Thursday, December 3, 2009
CA: Illegal Mexican Pleads Guilty to Murdering U.S. Border Patrol Agent
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Illegal Alien Burns 83-Year-Old Woman Alive, Now Gets Life in Prison
Friday, November 27, 2009
AZ: Illegal Alien Arrested in Sexual Assault and Forgery
Monday, November 30, 2009
CA: 2 Illegal Mexicans Plead Guilty to Running Prostitution Ring
Friday, November 27, 2009
KS: Police Nab Driver, 16 Illegal Aliens in Scott City, Feds File Indictment
Thursday, December 3, 2009
HOUSTON: Mambo Seafood Restaurants Busted by Immigration Agents
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wisconsin Jury Convicts Illegal Mexican of Dealing Drugs, Sentences Him to 12 Years
Thursday, December 3, 2009
OK: Mexican Drug Operations Found Growing Dope on Indian Reservations
Friday, November 27, 2009
NY: Illegal Alien Charged with Rape in Endicott
TX: Nine Illegal Aliens Arrested in Fort Worth in Fake Document Scheme
Friday, November 27, 2009
CA: Boat Carrying 21 Illegal Aliens is Seized Off la Jolla Coast
Thursday, December 3, 2009
CHICAGO: 10 People Indicted in Sham Marriage Immigration Fraud Scheme
DC: More Charges Expected Against Illegal Alien Murder Suspect in Chandra Levy Case
Senate Health Care Bill Would Tax Uninsured Americans, Exempt Illegal Aliens
Monday, November 30, 2009
Indicted Texas Commissioner Charged with Preferential Hiring of Illegals, Now on House Arrest
Obama's Illegal Immigrant Aunt Upset Over Lack of Access to Prez
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
NY: Persistent Illegal Alien Sentenced to Prison, Again
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Maryland Study Reveals Staggering Increase of Illegal Immigration Costs & Voter Dissatisfaction
Monday, November 30, 2009

Beware the winds of December

While America has been absorbed by the Afghan election imbroglio, a less-noticed event slid into place in the Middle East. It is less dramatic than President Hamid Karzai's near removal; but this event tilts the strategic balance: Turkey finally shrugged off its United States straight-jacket; stared past any beckoning European Union membership; and has fixed its eyes toward its former Ottoman Asian and Middle Eastern neighbors.
By Alastair Crooke
Turkey did not make this shift merely to snub the West; but it does reflect Turkey's discomfort and frustration with US and EU policy - as well as resonate more closely with the Islamic renaissance that has been taking place within Turkey. This "release" of Turkish policy towards a new direction - if successful - can be as significant as the destruction of Iraq and the implosion of Soviet power was, 20 years ago, in "releasing" Iran to emerge as one of the pre-eminent powers in the region.
In the past months, a spate of new agreements have been signed by Turkey with Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia, which suggest not just a nascent commonality of political vision with Iraq, Iran and Syria, but more importantly, it reflects a joint economic interest - the northern tier of Middle East states are in line to become the principal suppliers of natural gas to Europe - thus displacing Russia as the dominant purveyor of gas to central Europe. In short, the prospective Nabucco gas pipeline to central Europe may gradually eclipse the energy primacy of Saudi oil. What is mainly symbolic in the prospective passing of the baton of energy "kingpin" - at least for Europe - from Saudi Arabia to the "northern tier", however, is given substance, rather than symbolic form, in the simultaneous weakening of the "southern tier" - Saudi Arabia and Egypt - both of which have become partially incapacitated by their respective succession crises and domestic preoccupations.
The weakening of the "southern tier" comes at a sensitive time. The region sees the drift of power from erstwhile US allies, Egypt and Saudi Arabia towards the northern tier, and, as is the way in the Middle East, is starting to readjust to the new power reality...

Towards A One World Religious System

Parliament Of The World’s Religions Elects Muslim as chairman as it prepares to meet in Australia
By staff writers
15 Nov 2009
The organization traces its roots to the 1893 Parliament of the World's Religions, which took place in conjunction with the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. In 1993 the council organized and hosted the first modern Parliament of the World's Religions, also in Chicago. Subsequent Parliaments have been held in 1999 in Cape Town, South Africa; and in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain.
Abdul Malik Mujahid is an imam in the Chicago Muslim community and president of Sound Vision Foundation, which produces Radio Islam, America's only daily Muslim call-in talk show.
Dr Lesher said he considers Imam Mujahid "marvellously equipped" to serve as the board's highest elected officer. "He brings to the chair a deep commitment to his own faith tradition," he said. "The Imam has an understanding of how religion is a force in American society and also in societies throughout the world."...

Rupert Murdoch inks deal with Saudi prince

Al-Walid once boasted of his influence on Fox News coverage of Muslims
December 03, 2009
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, owner of the Fox News Channel, strengthened his strategic partnership with Prince Al-Walid bin Talal, acquiring a stake in the Saudi royal's Rotana media conglomerate.
As WND reported, the Saudi prince, who owns a 5.7 percent share of Fox News, claimed in 2005 he persuaded Murdoch to immediately stop the top-rated cable network from identifying unrest in France as "Muslim riots."
Daily Variety reported News Corp. will take a 10 percent stake in Rotana, with an option to acquire another 10 percent.
The paper said the News Corp.-Rotana pact marks the most significant investment yet by a Western media company in the Arab world...

Leader of the free world? Not Obama’s bag. - Mark Steyn

"... in an astonishingly vulgar line even by the standards of this White House’s crass speechwriters he justified his announcement of an exit date by saying it was “because the nation that I’m most interested in building is our own.”
The Unrealistic Realist
Strange how all the sophisticated nuances of post-Bush foreign-policy “realism” seem so unreal when you’re up there trying to sell them as a coherent strategy.
December 5, 2009

If you happen to live in Kabul or Jalalabad, Ghurian or Kandahar, then a U.S. presidential speech about Afghanistan is, indeed, about Afghanistan. If you live anywhere else on the planet, a U.S. presidential speech about Afghanistan is really about America — about American will, American purpose, American energy. How quickly the bright new dawn fades to the gray morning after. In Europe, the long awaited unveiling of this most thoughtful of presidents’ deliberations got mixed reviews — some bad, some brutal. Der Spiegel called it “half-hearted,” the Guardian called it “desperate.” And those are his friends.You could watch the great orator’s listless, tentative performance with the sound down and get the basic message: I don’t need this in my life right now. If you read the text, it made even less sense. There’s something for everyone: A surge! . . . and a withdrawal. He’s agreed to surge for a bit, but only in preparation for a de-surge in 18 months’ time. I said on the radio that the speech reminded me of the English nursery rhyme:
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill
And he marched them down again.
The Grand Young Duke of Hope has 30,000 men. He’ll march them up the Khyber Pass but he’ll march them down again in July 2011. If you’re some village headman who’s been making nice to the Americans, the Taliban have a whole new pitch for you: In a year and a half, the Yanks are going. But we’ll still be here.
“Our goal in war,” wrote Basil Liddell Hart, the great strategist of armored warfare, “can only be attained by the subjugation of the opposing will.” In other words, the object of war is not to destroy the enemy’s tanks but the enemy’s will. That goes treble if, like the Taliban and al-Qaeda, he hasn’t got any tanks in the first place. So what do you think Obama’s speech did for the enemy’s will? He basically told ’em: We can only stick another 19 months, so all you gotta do is hang in there for 20....

Taliban Publicly Responds to Obama Afghanistan Policy

It is a warning for America: Get ready to die.
The Taliban's Response to Obama Afghanistan Policy
December 05, 2009
By Jane Jamison
President Obama's speech this week to the nation about his "plan" for the war in Afghanistan doesn't please very many in this country and apparently doesn't impress the enemy.
It took a day to get the translation done, but the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban) now has a response.
Obama's plan to increase troop levels in Afghanistan has withering support from dithering Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Anna Eshoo, and certainly not from foaming anti-war groups like Code Pink. Many Republicans fret that the "plan" is yet another half-gassed half-a-war, ala Bush-1 and Bush-2.
The non-profit counterterrorism organization "Nine-Eleven Finding Answers" Foundation (NEFA Foundation) has obtained, translated and transcribed a statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (aka Taliban), which has been issued in response to President Obama's directive on the Afghanistan war.
The unsigned statement is chillingly insightful and threatening.
Full text here.
Here are some excerpts:
"The essence of the strategy shows that the needs and wants of the American people have been overlooked during the framing of this strategy and it has been formulated under the pressure of (Army) Generals in the Pentagon, the American Neo-conservatives and the wealthiest few in America and for the protection of their interests. Hence it is a strategy of colonialism....
He wants to lessen the sensitivities of the Afghans about the surge of 30,000 troops through the ploy of ostensibly starting troops' withdrawal in 2011. He also intends to decrease the opposition of the American public (to the troops surge) and encourage his international Allies to send more troops. But this stratagem will not pay off.
1. The reinforcement will result in (their) fatalities....
2. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, the Afghans have not been subjugated through deceits, ploys, materials power, troop reinforcement and military might of the foreigners. Therefore, the reinforcement of the American troops and other tactics will not have impact on the status quo. But the reinforcements will provide better opportunities for the Mujahedeen to launch offensives. On the other hand, it will deepen the crisis of the American economy which is already in shambles.
3. Obama's assertion to increase and train more soldiers and police for the Kabul Administration is pointless and not result-oriented....
4. We neither have bases in Pakistan nor do we need such bases outside Afghanistan. We have control over vast swathes of land in the country and do not face any problem about our activities and residence...
5. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has frequently said that we have no intention of harming any one. Therefore, the presence of foreign invading forces in Afghanistan has nothing to do with the security of the world. Obama sometimes calls this war, a war of necessity; sometimes he calls it a war for the defense of the West and some times, a war being waged for the security of the world.
They raise the issue of our residing in Pakistan in order to distract the attention (of the world) from our capability and strong resistance in Afghanistan...."
6. The Mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate have worked out a vast strategy and prepared for strong resistance ....The Mujahedeen have high morale and complete readiness and believe that Obama's new strategy will fail like it did previously. It will face fiasco.
We deem it necessary to remind the American rulers if you persist in your aggressive policy, America will end up being disintegrated itself, instead of maintaining the occupation in Afghanistan....
We want to point out that the Muslim people of Afghanistan want to lay down their lives and properties willingly but are never ready to give up their faith and freedom.... you must wait a more severe reaction in the years to come."
Signed: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"

It does seem our enemies in Afghanistan understand us much better than we understand them.
The English-language website of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan announces the following has happened in the past 48 hours in Afghanistan:
Twelve U.S. soldiers were killed yesterday when two U.S. military tanks were ambushed near the Zormandah area of Khugiano district.
Three soldiers were killed in a surprise attack on a NATO patrol near the capital of Murghab district in Badghis province.
Eighteen Afghan and foreign soldiers were killed and "dozens" injured in Kandahar as they searched a home for suspects in a previous bombing incident.
Jane Jamison is publisher of the conservative news and commentary blog,