This morning, Sunday December 2nd, 2007 I took a walk towards the Hudson River.
Our first snowfall.

There were families out sledding.

If I could have any residence in Manhattan, it would be this gorgeous mansion set above the Hudson River on Riverside Drive, opposite the Soldiers And Sailors Monument.
I took these next two pictures of the mansion literally seconds apart on this clear, crisp, cold morning. No car traffic, no disturbances in my surrounding environment whatstoever. And look how, uh... different they are...
Ooooo! I'd say this house is haunted!
It is interesting to note that these are the only two pictures I took all morning that showed snowflakes, although it was snowing and blowing lightly all morning everywhere. At least, I am assuming those are indeed snowflakes, and nothing more. I really love that house.
I headed east, back towards Broadway... and home.