Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Postcards from the Edge

Arizona Daily Star
The death of a suspected illegal [alien] and a host of drug seizures kept federal border enforcement agents busy over the weekend. -- On Saturday at 3:30 p.m., a Border Patrol agent patrolling trails south of Sierra Vista found the body of a suspected male [illegal] between Hunter Canyon and Miller Canyon...
(Uh - that's Eurabia, stupid - jillosophy)
President Bush signed an agreement creating a "permanent body" that commits the U.S. to "deeper transatlantic economic integration," without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law. -- The "Transatlantic Economic Integration" between the U.S. and the European Union was signed April 30 at the White House...
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Waukesha, Wis. -- Waukesha County's new district attorney is trying to renew a push for special immigration enforcement authority after a previous effort got sidetracked. -- Both the county sheriff and the Waukesha police chief said they never got word that a joint application filed previously...
Associated Press
Mexico City -- Four purported drug smugglers were killed in a shootout with soldiers in western Mexico on Monday, the second deadly clash in a week between traffickers and troops in the same remote, mountainous region. -- The clash took place in Apatzingan, 125 miles west of Mexico's capital...
- by Daniel Sheehy
"This book is not just informative but inspiring. Readers will want to join up."Peter Brimelow, author of Alien Nation and editor of VDare.com
Dave Gibson -- American Chronicle
In the wake of the violent illegal immigrant rally which took place in Los Angeles, that city's police Chief William Bratton has been joining the liberal media in criticizing his own officers. Once the invaders from Mexico crossed the line from demonstrating into rioting, LAPD had no choice but to meet their aggression and protect life and property.
Paul R. Hollrah -- The American Conservative
A thirty- one- year- old woman, Elvira Arellano, an illegal [alien... criminal] and a fugitive from justice, remains holed up in Chicago's Aldaberto United Methodist Church, along with her 7- year- old son, Saul, who was born in the United States. -- The Associated Press has reported that Arellano first crossed illegally...
KOAT-TV -- Albuquerque
Columbus, N.M. -- Authorities said two men were killed in a shooting Monday on the New Mexico- Mexico border. -- Luna County sheriff's deputies told Action 7 News that a gunman unloaded more than 28 rounds into an SUV in Palomas, Mexico. There were four men inside the SUV, two were killed, one was wounded...
The Editors -- Family Security Foundation
Some of the mainstream media have chosen consistently to highlight the deaths of our brave soldiers, fighting for our freedoms around the world, or to publish pictures of their caskets on the way home to their loved ones. One can only guess at the reasons why they choose to do this... [More victims of invaders]
Salt Lake Tribune
Where can [illegal aliens... criminals] go for help if a family member is deported? Where can they get a good immigration lawyer? What happens to their children if they are deported? -- These are the kinds of questions immigration advocates are asked every day by [illegal alien... criminal] families around Utah.
Diane Alden -- NewsMax.com
Contrary to Mr. Kenneth Timmerman's commentary on the French election, "French Elect Thatcherite as President," Nicolas Sarkozy's core issues were not "free trade" and getting along with the U.S. or cutting taxes and ending welfare. -- Those things might be in his agenda somewhere, but they are not what got him elected...
Jim Kouri, CPP -- Family Security Foundation
A federal jury convicted Jose Hipolito Cruz Diaz, a.k.a "Pirana," of Lanham, Md.; Omar Vasquez, a.k.a "Duke" and Henry Zelaya of conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise involving murder, robbery, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering, U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein for the District of Maryland...
John Hood -- Lincoln Tribune -- Lincolnton, North Carolina
...So when self-styled reformers argue for easier access to drivers licenses, public-health services, job-safety inspections, and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, they think they are evoking compassion and advancing their cause. They're tragically wrong. What the general public hears are proposals to ignore massive illegalities and coddle lawbreakers.
Frank Salvato -- Freedom.org
The Progressive-Left's American Fifth Column is most often epitomized by the militant, bullhorn toting activist who, when not examined thoroughly, seems to be advocating for one "civil right" or another. We see them at the pro-illegal immigration protests, the anti-gun protests, the anti-war protests...
John Birch Society
In April, President Bush visited Yuma, Arizona, to discuss immigration reform. While in Arizona, the President promised to work closely with Congress to pass an immigration reform bill by the year's end. On May 1, the call for such legislation was shouted by hundreds of thousands of protesters who took to the streets...
Los Angeles Times
The first place Francisco Rivera headed to after fleeing war in his native El Salvador in 1980 was the MacArthur Park area of Los Angeles. There, churches and community volunteers had created a haven of shelter, support and sustenance for war refugees like himself, then a poet and writer whose literary group had been targeted...
I have been deluged with requests to cover IRS indictments or injunctions filed against individuals, i.e., last month the U.S. Department of Justice moved against Bob Schulz and his We the People Foundation; see court filing here. Many wonder why I didn't do my annual April 15th slave day column. So many wonder what has happened...


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