Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hamas Wants a 'True Solution'

I realize we shouldn’t expect murderers whose entire lives revolve around genocidal hatred to follow rules of logic. But don’t these cretinous killers in cheap suits feel any cognitive discomfort at all when in one breath, they commit themselves and all future Palestinian generations to eternal war until the Jews are wiped out, and in the next breath say, “The Zionist entity is incapable of making peace?”
“Incapable of making peace” means: won’t just lay down and be slaughtered.
And “true solution” is very reminiscent of a similar phrase from last century.
Final Solution:
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For other uses, see Final Solution (disambiguation).
In a February 26, 1942, letter to German diplomat Martin Luther, Reinhard Heydrich follows up on the Wannsee Conference by asking Luther for administrative assistance in the implementation of the "Endlösung der Judenfrage" (Final Solution of the Jewish Question). See the Transcription and translation of this letter at the Memorial House of the Wannsee Conference.
The Final Solution of the
Jewish Question (German: Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) refers to the Nazis' plan to engage in systematic genocide against the European Jewish population during World War II. The term was coined by Adolf Eichmann, a top Nazi official who supervised the genocidal campaign and was captured, tried and executed by Israeli authorities in 1961–62. The implementation of the Final Solution resulted in the most deadly phase of the Holocaust.


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