Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What do you want on YOUR tombstone?

Does your local pizza delivery guy hate America?
How can you tell?
You cant'.
Fort Dix Terror Plot

Suspects Due in Court Today
May 8, 2007
FORT DIX, N.J. - Six ethnic Albanians have been arrested in a plot to storm the U.S. Army's Fort Dix installation in Burlington County and attack soldiers.
Five of the suspects were arrested in Cherry Hill.
They will be arraigned later today in federal court. Officials say it will happen in Camden.
ABC News is reporting that Fort Dix was selected because one of the suspects, a delivery driver for a local pizza joint, had unfettered access to the base.
Investigators say the suspects planned to use automatic weapons to storm the base and kill solders. The men were lured into a secret meeting to purchase AK-47s from an arms dealer, who was secretly cooperating with the FBI.
Officials say the suspects worked on a number of targets, including the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Fort Monmouth in Eatontown, and several Coast Guard stations.
Federal agents made the arrests when the suspects zeroed in on Fort Dix.
Officials say some of the suspects were caught on tape.
Fort Dix is made up of 31,065 acres of land, with training areas bordered by the Lebanon State Forest, Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Center and selected Wildlife Management Areas.
I guess you can be a hard-working immigrant AND hate America too!
Gee, who knew?
FBI Arrests Six In Alleged Terror Plot Against N.J. Soldiers
POSTED: 6:02 am EDT
May 8, 2007
"Who is going to take care of my wife and kids," one suspect asks. Another responds, "Allah will take care of your wife and kids."
The alleged terror cell is described by investigators as disciples of Osama Bin Laden. Among the evidence seized was the downloaded will and testament of two Sept. 11 hijackers.
. . .
Sources tell Newschannel 4's Brian Thompson that the family of one of the suspects owns a pizzeria near Fort Dix and claimed to know the base "like the back of his hand." The same suspect told the alleged terror group it would be easy to penetrate to "get the most soldiers killed."
. . .
Authorities were alerted in January 2006 after the terror suspects traveled to the Pocono’s for a training exercise where they practiced firing automatic weapons, investigators said.
Sources have told Newschannel 4's Brian Thompson that the suspects tried to have a their training video tape converted to DVD at a store in Cherry Hill, N.J., but the store owner alerted authorities.


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