Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Monday, May 7. 2007 · 21:01
We Christians, on the other hand, are not.
Charles Johnson over at LGF has taken note of something going on over at my very own George Mason University, which seems to be brewing a touch of controversy.
Going there, I can attest that there is quite a formidable Muslim presence on campus, and that the Muslims do lay claim, fully, to the prayer areas mentioned in Charles' article.
What Charles doesn't mention, most likely because he's one of the few conservatives brave enough to live in the state of fruits and nuts rather than the grand Old Dominion, is that the University also constructed ritual foot-washing basins in every bathroom of the Johnson Center. Guess which "pseudoethnic" group uses them the most? (Incidentally, the University is also seeking a new Halal vendor for the campus cafeterias as well, since apparently the MSA can't be bothered to arrange for their own vending contracts to come on campus. The previous vendor was kicked out due to health code violations—oops.)
It goes without saying that George Mason University is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Saudi government at this point. But trust me, folks, it gets better from here!
At present, after all of the kind dhimmitude shown towards Muslims on campus, the Muslim Student Association is demanding their own mosque-on-campus, which is fine, considering there is a Chapel. Of course, there is some slight difference between the MSA's request, and the reality of the campus chapel:
For one, the Catholic Chapel is located on the far reaches of campus. It's so unofficial that it's not even listed on the campus map!
The proposed MSA study area? Well, they want it in the central building on campus, since it's the "ideal" location for them.
To further illustrate the point, let me point out that the Catholic Student Ministry bought private land neighboring the campus, and built their own Chapel there with their own funds, and that of Catholic donors throughout the area.
The MSA?Well, let's just say that when they're done with it, all of we Virginians will have contributed money to benefit them.
This must be what our educator savants mean by "equality."
Update: It's nice to know that the vice president of the GMU MSA is blaming we dastardly Republicans for having the sheer audacity to be hectored at our own speaking engagement.
The money quote?
"John Lewis is an individual who, among other things, proposes the idea of full fledged war against those whose ideological background conflicts with American norms and standards. In doing so, Lewis demonizes Islam and Muslims, deliberately takes Islamic beliefs out of context, and advocates “immediate, personal destruction” for every Muslim individual and cleric who chooses not to renounce the Islamic State. Such sentiments should not only be condemned, but are truly frightening for people who value the principles of living in a pluralistic society."
The principles of living in a pluralistic society... of the ISLAMIC STATE?
Oh yeah: I forgot to thank James Atticus Bowden for pointing this article out to me (indirectly via e-mail) 12 hours before I'd normally hit the blog feeds again. Thanks, James!


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