Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Is Islam compatible with Democracy? No. With Dhimmocracy? YES!

Trond Giske, Minister of Culture and Church Affairs, met with Mr. Muhammad Hamdan a few months later (after cartoon jihad) and announced that government subsidies for the Islamic Council would be raised from 60,000 kroner a year to half a million. That's more than a 700% increase in a single year, and was undoubtedly viewed by Muslims as jizya. Thus it was in reality a formal recognition by Norwegian authorities that the country was now under Islamic rule.
Fjordman: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?
part 5
"Hello from Fjordman. Here comes the fifth and final part of the long essay/booklet about Islam and democracy. The essay in full can be read at the Gates of Vienna blog, with a printable version available here
Part 4 is here.


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