Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"We're slowly getting swallowed up, and we're losing our identity.
We should work more together... and keep the place as it is - English."
A white Blackburnian says, regretfully: "You'll end up with Muslim Asian towns, you'll end up with white British towns."

An Asian Blackburnian agrees: "I fear that my children will end up living like apartheid in South Africa."
- CITIZENS OF Blackburn, UK
Britain's growing ethnic division
By Vivian White BBC Panorama reporter
Last Updated: Monday, 7 May 2007, 10:01 GMT 11:01 UK
Panorama visits Blackburn in Lancashire to investigate how increased separation and segregation between Muslim Asians and whites is dividing communities.
Blackburn presents a stark example of a difficult, national problem.
For all the hopeful talk about "integration", "multiculturalism" and now "cohesion", the reality on the ground appears to be that Britain's Muslim Asian community and its white community have few points of contact, and that the white majority often feel they share little in common with the growing Muslim Asian minority...


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