Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dobbs Nails SPLC (and 60 Minutes)Taking "a plunge from the facts"

Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- May 7, 2007
Dobbs:... And as you would expect on "60 Minutes," they did take a couple of shots.[...] This fellow -- there he is, Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, he....He said -- "The impression you get, pretty strongly I think, day after day" -- day after day -- "is that sort of all 11 million illegal aliens are bringing leprosy, they're bringing crime, they're bringing all these terrible things to the United States."[...] Well, Mr. Potok, that is not only taking a leap. You just took a plunge from the facts.
Dobbs:... I decided to find out, and I asked our staff to compute how many of them dealt with disease or other illnesses and illegal aliens. By the way, the number, Mr. Potok, is three. That's three over a period of four and a half years. What happened to your "day in and day out"?


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