Tell me what you want.... What you really,really want...
Al Qaeda's four stages of jihad

1) expel the Americans from Iraq;
2) establish an Islamic emirate in Iraq and develop it into a caliphate;
3) extend the jihad to Iraq's secular neighbors; and
4) the inevitable battle with Israel.
With the domination of the Middle East complete, radical elements would be in a much stronger position from which to spread their virulent form of Islam.
What Does Al-Qaeda Want?
What Does Al-Qaeda Want?
MAJ Greg C. Reeson, USA, Senior Writer
July 25, 2007
... It is this fanatical ideology, promulgated by the original al-Qaeda, that has been embraced by violent groups the world over. Across the globe, elements inspired by bin Laden's al-Qaeda have taken up his cause. It is against these elements, and their strict adherence to a radical form of Islam, that we are now fighting, and it is the ideology that binds the al-Qaedas, new and old, together. Our enemies believe that they are executing God's will, and that those who oppose them also oppose God. Negotiations and dialogue are meaningless because any sort of compromise or understanding would be in conflict with what they believe to be the wishes of God. They cannot be reasoned with; they can only be killed.
Many in this country are demanding that we withdraw our troops from Iraq. Some have suggested that we should put our focus back on Afghanistan and those who attacked us on 9/11. Both of these arguments demonstrate a genuine lack of understanding not only about our enemy, but about the threats we face...
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