Has Britain Had Enough?

This is the country in which, a few years ago, police rampant to celebrate diversity made a lady take a collection of toy china pigs off her window-sill lest passing Muslims be offended (though none had complained).
The times they are a-changing.
Has Britain Had Enough?
By Hal G.P. Colebatch Published 7/27/2007 12:07:15 AM
I recently criticized the British government's award of a knighthood to Salman Rushdie on the grounds that such an action recruited for Islamic extremism without hurting it.However, it now looks as if, at long last, the British government is getting tough with deeds as well as gestures...
I recently criticized the British government's award of a knighthood to Salman Rushdie on the grounds that such an action recruited for Islamic extremism without hurting it.However, it now looks as if, at long last, the British government is getting tough with deeds as well as gestures...
Vasko Kohlmayer
Some in Britain have come up with an ingenuous way of countering the threat of jihad: They pretend it does not exist...
Don Cox
When I got up the other day and read that Winston Churchill would be cut from the curriculum of secondary schools in England, I thought it was a joke...
jillosphy's original post on this subject:
Churchill goes off the required lessons list, along with Hitler, Gandhi, Stalin and Martin Luther King.
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