Friday, August 07, 2009

The American Public: Grossly underestimated by the grossly over-rated pols

This is the best one yet. Watch the whole thing if you can. Rep. Tim Bishop (D. N.Y.) represents eastern Long Island and these folks nail him on every squirrely answer and talking point regurgitation. They are hopping mad, and at about the 8:00 mark, you can hear the crowd outside getting louder and louder.
And believe me, I mean geezers in the most affectionate way possible. This puts the lie to Obama's grotesque claim that these events are orchestrated by Conservative hacks and insurance companies. This was not even a townhall meeting held by a member of congress, it was another fallaciously-named 'listening session' in which AARP, just like the Democrats, have no intention of listening. They were there to justify why ObamaCare is such an awesome deal. These folks were opinionated, not violent; outspoken, not abusive, and the AARP just packed up and left. This is a cram-down and everybody knows it. I would like to have Robert Gibbs point out exactly which ones of these grandparents were the 'hooligans.'


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