Friday, August 07, 2009

Obama aims to overhaul "immigration" jail system?

Clearly no one is going to believe that Obama would create a huge prison system just for illegal immigrants.
Obama Civil Detainees Jail System - First for Illegals, then for “Right Wing Extremists”?
From today's LA Times:
The reforms would send detainees without criminal records to less-restrictive sites that would be under more federal oversight.
Pledging more oversight and accountability, the Obama administration announced plans Thursday to transform the nation's immigration detention system from one reliant on a scattered network of local jails and private prisons to a centralized one designed specifically for civil detainees.
This is a time when people are concerned that the Obama administration wants to take away our liberties - e.g., this link of the AARP meeting where one speaker said, "This health care bill is not about health care. This is about our fundamental constitutional rights. It is a liberty issue." At such a time, the plan by the Obama administration to create a new system of state-run jails, specifically for "civil detainees," is alarming.
After all, if there were a need for that, the correct answer isn't better ways to lock up illegal immigrants - the correct answer for that is better border control. Why go to the trouble of creating a special system for locking them up when it's far easier just to not let them in in the first place? (For an approach to controlling the borders that is relatively low-cost and could be running in a short period of time, see this previous post.)
Since the notion of creating a special jail system for illegals is laughably absurd, and since there is already great concern that Obama is threatening our liberties, there is likely going to be concern that the true purpose of Obama in seeking such a jail system for civilians, is to have a place where he can lock up other civilians in addition to illegal immigrants - i.e. Obama's political opponents.
However, Obama isn't naive enough to think he can push for such a jail system, without causing exactly this kind of concern. Therefore it appears possible that his intention in releasing this proposal, is not at all to actually build such a jail system, but is in fact merely to chill free speech by creating concern among his political opponents that he will try to find a way to lock them up for their views.
I have never in my life seen the kind of outrage directed against our government that the Obamacrats are encountering at the current town hall meetings. It appears to me that the Obamacrats are desperate, and that this prison system proposal is one more sign of it.


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