Friday, August 07, 2009

More Military Officers Accuse Obama of Treason

By JB Williams
Monday, July 27, 2009
The massive effort to force Barack Hussein Obama to become “transparent” about his birth place and circumstance, his college years and his passport records is gathering steam. Despite a million dollars in legal fees aimed at keeping Obama’s entire life history Top Secret, a relentless pursuit of the mystery messiah not only persists,—its going viral on the web and main stream in the press…
CNN news anchor Lou Dobbs put his career on the line by even mentioning the topic of Obama’s apparent constitutional ineligibility for the office of Commander-in-Chief. After almost two years of reports and law suits regarding Obama’s secret past, the pursuit of truth is finally reaching critical mass among American voters and the mainstream press is being forced to address the matter.
But don’t get too excited just yet… The Obama media machine is spinning around the clock to derail all efforts to smoke Obama out into the open, where he may soon have to answer the questions he has spent years and millions dodging. Is he a “natural born citizen” eligible to hold the office of president, or is he the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American electorate?
A Charge of “Treason”
If Obama is what so many Americans assert, an unconstitutional fraud, then the appropriate charge for his actions, and the actions of those who have “aided and abetted” the fraud, would be no less than “treason.” A crime punishable by death… The implications are extraordinarily serious!
On June 10, 2009, I released Is Obama Guilty of Treason?- in which I report the events surrounding Retired Navy Commander Walter Fitzpatrick’s criminal complaint against Barack Hussein Obama. In response to the resulting leftist character attacks on Commander Fitzpatrick that followed, I released "Why Commander Fitzpatrick Is NOT Guilty of Mutiny!", on June 14th.
Leftist attacks on Fitzpatrick continued, intended to defame and derail the Commander’s claims, seem to have ignited a firestorm of reaction from other members of the US Military who share Commander Fitzpatrick’s concern for the US Constitution and a nation under siege by Obama’s Chicago Cabal. But Commander Fitzpatrick no longer stands alone…


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