Friday, July 20, 2007

Liberals Vow to Block Continued Iraq Funding

The Dhimmicrats want to see less of this:

And more of this:

And that's just what they're gonna get.



July 19, 2007
Seventy House members, nearly all liberal Democrats, vowed today that they would not support any more funding for Iraq military operations unless tied to a complete withdrawal of combat troops.

This is a big development. Earlier this year, liberals grudgingly voted for Iraq funding bills because they didn't want to give Nancy Pelosi a defeat. Now it seems that their patience has run out.
The next Iraq funding bill won't come up until the fall, so this showdown won't happen for a few months, but it appears to be shaping up as an epic battle between liberals in Congress and President Bush. This may be the beginning of the end for the Iraq War.
The liberals' full letter to Bush appears after the jump...



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