I'll take "Ugly Realities" for 100 Alex...
I usually forward emails of info or help wanted but this woman is so pissed off and I've corresponded with her personally, I decided to share her anger with you. Can you feel it? And by the way I'm sick of political correctness and I'm going to wish everyone Merry Christmas!! - Tami, NYC
I don't have to tell you that diversity leads to chaos.
You can look around at our country today and see that for yourself!
I don't have to tell you that, with the massive advent of Third World illegal aliens working throughout the country in various food service capacities that, our safety is compromised.
I don't have to tell you that we have allowed Political Correctness to become so out of control that it threatens our safety, our country and our way of life.
I don't have to tell you that the ridiculous has become the norm!
I don't have to tell you that fostering the legal influx of Muslims into the United States has placed America in even more danger. For those who have failed to notice and who keep spouting the rhetoric of "America is a melting pot and immigrant nation".... The world has changed! ... We either adapt or perish!
Greedy corporations, corrupt self-serving politicians and the Political correct crowd led by the ACLU have turned our country into a garbage can for the Third World.... with out of control and irresponsible legal and illegal immigration. They have also degraded the rights of American citizens while pandering to those who flood into our country. Corporations see cheap labor.... Politicians see pliable voters and the bleeding heart... politically correct crowd are falling all over themselves to protect and empower their new proteges at the expense of American citizens. These "immigrants" are so grateful that the first thing they do is to try and usurp and dominate the "stupid" American citizen. They steal our identities.. ... We are their victims for crimes now reported on a daily basis.
Both Muslims and Mexicans march and demonstrate en masse.... The media did not report on the Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan demonstrating for Hezbollah..
They demand we speak their language.... ..
They demand we celebrate their holidays....
They descend upon and destroy our healthcare system and hospitals demanding and receiving care that most Americans cannot afford...... Our ranking in the world on healthcare is 37... 37... is anyone outraged? http://www.photius. com/rankings/ healthranks. html
They descend upon and destroy our educational system putting American children at risk with violent behavior and diseases from their home counties. Our educational standards have dropped lower and lower until we now trail many Third World countries. In 2002 we ranked number 18 in the World and we are falling further behind!
They sue us over the most ridiculous and asinine issues and "Stupid" politically correct judges award them outrageous damages! ....
They demand we take down our Christmas decorations and succeed when "Stupid"Americans comply!
Millions of legal immigrants from Muslim and third world countries are allowed into the USA and even more millions of illegal foreign nationals flood across our border with Mexico and with that flood comes all of the "coincidences".
The Media explains all of the coincidences so plausibly that millions of Americans are not at all concerned. They would not take any stance that is not Politically Correct... now would they? Think of the law suits....
coincidence >noun 1 a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. 2 correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence. -DERIVATIVES coincident >adjective coincidental >adjective coincidentally >adverb.
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that increased e coli and other food borne diseases are rampant?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that we are experiencing an increase in infectious diseases that have long been eradicated in our country?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that increased crime and violence now prevail in every aspect of our society?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that our health care costs are rising at an alarming rate while quality declines and hospitals fail?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that jobs and wages for the American Middle class are declining?
How many Americans still believe that is just a coincidence that our educational system is declining and suffering financially?
If we are not louder and more aggressive and demanding than the Politically Correct Crowd then we are going to lose everything because no one can hear us or judge our outrage by the noise we are making now!
We are not scaring anyone.... No one cares what we think..... No one is afraid of what we will do if they continue to ignore us.... Their perception of the American people must change if we are to prevail and we are the only ones who can effect that change!
- Marge in Texas
I don't have to tell you that diversity leads to chaos.
You can look around at our country today and see that for yourself!
I don't have to tell you that, with the massive advent of Third World illegal aliens working throughout the country in various food service capacities that, our safety is compromised.
I don't have to tell you that we have allowed Political Correctness to become so out of control that it threatens our safety, our country and our way of life.
I don't have to tell you that the ridiculous has become the norm!
I don't have to tell you that fostering the legal influx of Muslims into the United States has placed America in even more danger. For those who have failed to notice and who keep spouting the rhetoric of "America is a melting pot and immigrant nation".... The world has changed! ... We either adapt or perish!
Greedy corporations, corrupt self-serving politicians and the Political correct crowd led by the ACLU have turned our country into a garbage can for the Third World.... with out of control and irresponsible legal and illegal immigration. They have also degraded the rights of American citizens while pandering to those who flood into our country. Corporations see cheap labor.... Politicians see pliable voters and the bleeding heart... politically correct crowd are falling all over themselves to protect and empower their new proteges at the expense of American citizens. These "immigrants" are so grateful that the first thing they do is to try and usurp and dominate the "stupid" American citizen. They steal our identities.. ... We are their victims for crimes now reported on a daily basis.

They demand we speak their language.... ..
They demand we celebrate their holidays....
They descend upon and destroy our healthcare system and hospitals demanding and receiving care that most Americans cannot afford...... Our ranking in the world on healthcare is 37... 37... is anyone outraged? http://www.photius. com/rankings/ healthranks. html
They descend upon and destroy our educational system putting American children at risk with violent behavior and diseases from their home counties. Our educational standards have dropped lower and lower until we now trail many Third World countries. In 2002 we ranked number 18 in the World and we are falling further behind!
They sue us over the most ridiculous and asinine issues and "Stupid" politically correct judges award them outrageous damages! ....
They demand we take down our Christmas decorations and succeed when "Stupid"Americans comply!
Millions of legal immigrants from Muslim and third world countries are allowed into the USA and even more millions of illegal foreign nationals flood across our border with Mexico and with that flood comes all of the "coincidences".
The Media explains all of the coincidences so plausibly that millions of Americans are not at all concerned. They would not take any stance that is not Politically Correct... now would they? Think of the law suits....
coincidence >noun 1 a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. 2 correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence. -DERIVATIVES coincident >adjective coincidental >adjective coincidentally >adverb.
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that increased e coli and other food borne diseases are rampant?

How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that we are experiencing an increase in infectious diseases that have long been eradicated in our country?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that increased crime and violence now prevail in every aspect of our society?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that our health care costs are rising at an alarming rate while quality declines and hospitals fail?
How many Americans still believe that it is just a coincidence that jobs and wages for the American Middle class are declining?
How many Americans still believe that is just a coincidence that our educational system is declining and suffering financially?
If we are not louder and more aggressive and demanding than the Politically Correct Crowd then we are going to lose everything because no one can hear us or judge our outrage by the noise we are making now!
We are not scaring anyone.... No one cares what we think..... No one is afraid of what we will do if they continue to ignore us.... Their perception of the American people must change if we are to prevail and we are the only ones who can effect that change!
- Marge in Texas
Canadians are questioning Political Correctness and the ensuing surge of violence in their country.The suppression of crime statistics on race and ethnicity: the price of political correctness. (Canada) (Crime and Race Stati.. http://www.highbeam .com/doc/ 1G1-15156939. html
http://www.cbsnews. com/stories/ 2002/11/26/ world/main530872 .shtml UNICEF rankings of educational systems in the world's richest countries, indicating the percentage of 14 and 15 year olds scoring below a minimum level in literacy, math and science. 1. South Korea 1.4 percent2. Japan 2.23. Finland 4.44. Canada 55. Australia 6.26. Austria 8.27. Britain 9.48. Ireland 10.29. Sweden 10.810. Czech Republic 12.2- (tie) New Zealand 12.212. France 12.613. Switzerland 1314. Belgium 14- (tie) Iceland 1416. Hungary 14.2- (tie) Norway 14.218. United States 16.2
Canadians are questioning Political Correctness and the ensuing surge of violence in their country.The suppression of crime statistics on race and ethnicity: the price of political correctness. (Canada) (Crime and Race Stati.. http://www.highbeam .com/doc/ 1G1-15156939. html
http://www.cbsnews. com/stories/ 2002/11/26/ world/main530872 .shtml UNICEF rankings of educational systems in the world's richest countries, indicating the percentage of 14 and 15 year olds scoring below a minimum level in literacy, math and science. 1. South Korea 1.4 percent2. Japan 2.23. Finland 4.44. Canada 55. Australia 6.26. Austria 8.27. Britain 9.48. Ireland 10.29. Sweden 10.810. Czech Republic 12.2- (tie) New Zealand 12.212. France 12.613. Switzerland 1314. Belgium 14- (tie) Iceland 1416. Hungary 14.2- (tie) Norway 14.218. United States 16.2
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