Friday, December 15, 2006

Islamofascism by any other name smells just as rank

The Brits End the "War on Terror"
By Alan Nathan December 14, 2006
The Observer in Britain reported on December 10, 2006
Cabinet ministers have been told by the Foreign Office to drop the phrase “war on terror” and other terms seen as liable to anger British Muslims and increase tensions more broadly in the Islamic world.
They’re conducting a response to threats in a way that comports with the approval of our enemies’ sympathizers. Again we’re reminded of the UK’s more dysfunctional politicos, as they accept yet another standard based on a flawed measure. Why do so many of us in the West pathetically demonstrate double-standard tolerance for the intolerance others bear against us? If Muslim leaders are correct when saying that the bin Ladens, al-Zawahiris, and Hassan Nasrallahs of the world don’t equal Islam, then it inextricably follows that our actions against those terrorists do not equal an attack on Islam – once separated, always separated. As I’ve argued before, if it’s wrong to assume guilt based on ethnicity, then it’s equally wrong to shield guilt based on ethnicity. Why is this concept such a daunting challenge to surmount?
(Read it all... very good.)


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