Black Minutemen Confronted by Illegal Alien Supporters
Who's doing the jobs Americans won't do at our airports? Truly eyeopening video here:
Black Minutemen confronted by illegal alien supporters:
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Leo Gottlieb toted a garbage bag filling up with cans, bottles and food wrappers.
“There’s a lot of trash in the desert,” Gottlieb, 32, mused as he pointed out a heap of clothing nearby. Friday, Gottlieb was among about 200 Maricopa County jail inmates who fanned out across the desert south of Lake Pleasant to clean up the mess left at temporary campsites set up by illegal immigrants trekking into Arizona from Mexico.
The inmates collected an estimated 22 tons of trash.
Leo Gottlieb toted a garbage bag filling up with cans, bottles and food wrappers.
“There’s a lot of trash in the desert,” Gottlieb, 32, mused as he pointed out a heap of clothing nearby. Friday, Gottlieb was among about 200 Maricopa County jail inmates who fanned out across the desert south of Lake Pleasant to clean up the mess left at temporary campsites set up by illegal immigrants trekking into Arizona from Mexico.
The inmates collected an estimated 22 tons of trash.

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