Awaken to the nightmare.
As I have been battling a nasty cold for nearly two weeks I have not been focusing on the goings on throughout the world. Now that the fog in my head is slowly lifting, I am once again reminded of how things just seem to get worse every day. World leaders seem to get more cowardly, more pathetic every day. Islamofascists get away with more and more every day. And people are generally content to remain blessedly, willfully ignorant. Just last night I saw Chertoff on tv (Lou Dobbs) saying that illegal immigration has beaten every method we've put in place to fight it. He says a guest worker program is the only hope we have left. Pathetic. Absolutley, disgraceful. Is this the best our country can do? I am sick. This guy is a pussy. Get him the hell out of there.
A terror so great we forgot it at once
Melanie Philips
Melanie Philips
Spectator, 8 December 2006
Dhiren who? Mention Dhiren Barot to anyone and the chances are that you’ll be met with blank looks. At best, some might say, ‘Oh, wasn’t he that guy who, er, that trial recently, yeah, bit worrying…’ Thus the British have somehow failed to register the significance of the conviction last month of a man who was one of al Qaeda’s biggest fishes, guilty of the most devastating terrorist plot ever known in this country and one which would made 9/11 look like a minor warm-up act.
This former airline ticket clerk plotted to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a series of synchronised atrocities in Britain and the US. He planned to blow up public buildings using gas cylinders in limousines, to mount a gas attack on the Heathrow Express rail shuttle, and to blow up the Tube under the Thames to rupture the walls keeping out the river. Police found in his notebooks details of how to construct a chemicals laboratory, along with recipes for poisons and plans to use radiation to spread sickness, panic, chaos and death on a vast scale.
Terrifying and astounding as all this was, the real significance of the case lay in the way it punctured the myths fuelling Britain’s state of denial over Islamist terrorism.
Myth one is that Britain is only threatened by such terror because the war in Iraq has radicalised British Muslims. Yet Barot was laying his infernal plans before 9/11, let alone the fall of Saddam.
As long ago as 1999 he advocated bringing western countries to their knees. Significantly, he observed that this could only be achieved by Muslims living in western countries, because only they understood the culture, geography and common practices of the people amongst whom they lived...

Dhiren who? Mention Dhiren Barot to anyone and the chances are that you’ll be met with blank looks. At best, some might say, ‘Oh, wasn’t he that guy who, er, that trial recently, yeah, bit worrying…’ Thus the British have somehow failed to register the significance of the conviction last month of a man who was one of al Qaeda’s biggest fishes, guilty of the most devastating terrorist plot ever known in this country and one which would made 9/11 look like a minor warm-up act.
This former airline ticket clerk plotted to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a series of synchronised atrocities in Britain and the US. He planned to blow up public buildings using gas cylinders in limousines, to mount a gas attack on the Heathrow Express rail shuttle, and to blow up the Tube under the Thames to rupture the walls keeping out the river. Police found in his notebooks details of how to construct a chemicals laboratory, along with recipes for poisons and plans to use radiation to spread sickness, panic, chaos and death on a vast scale.
Terrifying and astounding as all this was, the real significance of the case lay in the way it punctured the myths fuelling Britain’s state of denial over Islamist terrorism.
Myth one is that Britain is only threatened by such terror because the war in Iraq has radicalised British Muslims. Yet Barot was laying his infernal plans before 9/11, let alone the fall of Saddam.
As long ago as 1999 he advocated bringing western countries to their knees. Significantly, he observed that this could only be achieved by Muslims living in western countries, because only they understood the culture, geography and common practices of the people amongst whom they lived...
(read it all...)
December 14, 2006
The Gates of hell (2)
The Gates of hell (2)
Melanie Philips
Crikey. Sylvestre Reyes, the Democrat chosen to head the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee, has displayed his, ah, credentials for the job. As Tom Baldwin reported in the Times, Reyes was asked whether members of al-Qaeda came from the Sunni or the Shia branch of Islam.
"Al-Qaeda, they have both," he answered, adding: "Predominantly probably Shi'ite."
Duh! Al Qaeda is Sunni. It loathes and detests the Shia. The war between the two is being played out daily in Iraq. It got worse:
Jeff Stein, a reporter for Congressional Quarterly, then put a similar question about Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia group.
Crikey. Sylvestre Reyes, the Democrat chosen to head the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee, has displayed his, ah, credentials for the job. As Tom Baldwin reported in the Times, Reyes was asked whether members of al-Qaeda came from the Sunni or the Shia branch of Islam.
"Al-Qaeda, they have both," he answered, adding: "Predominantly probably Shi'ite."
Duh! Al Qaeda is Sunni. It loathes and detests the Shia. The war between the two is being played out daily in Iraq. It got worse:
Jeff Stein, a reporter for Congressional Quarterly, then put a similar question about Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia group.
"Hezbollah. Uh, Hezbollah. . ." replied Mr Reyes. "Why do you ask me these questions at five o'clock? Can I answer in Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?"
Go ahead, said Stein.
"Well, I, uh . . ." said the congressman...
(read the rest...)
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