Call me an Islamaphobe. Please. Seriously. Part 3
I will never trust Muslims. Period.
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TROP: The day after it ended, CAIR "condemned" the Holocaust denial conference in Tehran. Our working theory is that they realized this PR opportunity only when it became known that David Duke, the universally-despised American racist, was in attendance.
In its statement, CAIR is careful not to equate the Holocaust denial conference itself with racism (nor even the Holocaust), but it does express concern over the attendance of David Duke, based on his past views. CAIR then sanctimoniously claims that "Islam, through the example of the Prophet Muhammad, has always rejected racism in any form," and goes on to quote Muhammad as saying, "An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab... a white (person) has no superiority over a black (person), nor does a black have any superiority over a white."In fact, it is very unlikely that Muhammad ever spoke these words.
Nowhere do they appear in the Qur'an and, although parts of the sermon from which they are claimed do appear in the Hadith, this progressive phrase is not among them. Instead, more reliable sources have Muhammad cursing Jews and Christians on his deathbed.

If CAIR really feels that Islam is against racism to the extent that a non-Muslim racist should be condemned for decades-old remarks that are immaterial to Islam, then we have to wonder why the group stays conspicuously silent about the genocide against black Africans by Arabs in the Sudan and Chad. Even as women are raped and children cut open by Islamic militias shouting "kill the slaves," this self-described "civil rights" organization turns a blind eye to the suffering.
All of CAIR's outrage is reserved either for Muslim-Americans who get their feelings hurt or for Palestinians - whose so-called "plight" does not even register against what the victims of Darfur suffer. Black Africans, even those who are Muslim, are not worthy of CAIR's attention.
We suspect that the organization's large Arab donors wouldn't appreciate it if CAIR really did act as if racism was wrong under any circumstance by condemning the Arab-Islamic government of Sudan for the murder of 200,000 civilians. Or, like the Holocaust denial conference, perhaps CAIR is just waiting until the slaughter is finished before speaking out about it.
[Editor's note: We checked the CAIR site before posting this. There's still nothing about the thousands of African women raped in the Sudan, but they are quite concerned about a woman who was asked to lower her veil at a London airport!!!]
All of CAIR's outrage is reserved either for Muslim-Americans who get their feelings hurt or for Palestinians - whose so-called "plight" does not even register against what the victims of Darfur suffer. Black Africans, even those who are Muslim, are not worthy of CAIR's attention.
We suspect that the organization's large Arab donors wouldn't appreciate it if CAIR really did act as if racism was wrong under any circumstance by condemning the Arab-Islamic government of Sudan for the murder of 200,000 civilians. Or, like the Holocaust denial conference, perhaps CAIR is just waiting until the slaughter is finished before speaking out about it.
[Editor's note: We checked the CAIR site before posting this. There's still nothing about the thousands of African women raped in the Sudan, but they are quite concerned about a woman who was asked to lower her veil at a London airport!!!]
You are so right. What a bunch of phonies CAIR is. Atrocities can be committed all around the world by the "Religion of Peace", women raped like it was nothing but boo hoo a woman was not allowed to board a bus in her "veil". Call me an Islamaphobe too!
These people do not deserve to have their voices heard - CAIR idiots. We'll have to come up with a good nickname.
Good post; good blog you have.
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