Thursday, May 21, 2009

Letters to VDare

A Medical Doctor Predicts That The U.S. Is On Its Way To Becoming Peron’s Argentina; etc.
From: Herbert Chen, M.D.
Re: Peter Brimelow’s Blog:
No Obama National Day Of Prayer…Because There’s No Nation?
Brimelow put it succinctly and correctly that with the election of President Barack Obama the US was turned over to a united minority.
In addition, the country has taken away power from the haves who produce the wealth and given it to the minorities (many of them immigrants) who have no vested interest in America other than as a market place and Mid-Eastern Bazaar.
There is no doubt in most Americans’ minds that in the US that the wealth is generated by the white majority. But the power to tax the producers is wholly owned by the consumers of our wealth, i.e. the underclass.
No good can come from this imbalance of power. I would point out this happened before when Juan and Evita Peron assumed power in Argentina in the 1950s using the elective power of the huge number of new immigrants that had been lured to Argentina in the 1930's and 40's.
Chen, who practices in a state carried by Obama, wrote a previous letter urging the federal government not to invite the entire world to America.
Read it here.
A Canadian Reader Says Third World Immigration Has Put The U.S. At The Tipping Point
From: D.J. Staub
Re: Patrick Cleburne’s Blog: That CRASH! Was Obama Dropping Enforcement
I am with Cleburne on this issue.
While I very much appreciate the excellent work that Joe Guzzardi has done in fighting mass immigration and the destruction of America, my worry is that his rosy prognosis that amnesty will not happen under Barack Obama’s administration could weaken the fight against illegal and legal immigration.
My sense is that the U.S. is getting very close to the point where you will be overwhelmed by people from the Third World and unable to fight your dispossession and ultimate destruction.
If you continue on your present pathway to national suicide, you will find yourself in a position similar to that now experienced by South African whites and will suffer a similar outcome.Canada, Australia and other European nations are in the same boat. That does not bode well for western civilization.
I have three children and not a day goes by that I do not think of the dark and cruel world that we are preparing for our children and grandchildren.
Patrick Cleburne replies: Regarding Staub’s comment on Guzzardi, remember that VDARE.COM is a coalition. Some temperaments need hope to fight on. Some gloomy Nordic types and the Japanese take pleasure in doomed but suitably glorious combat. We need everyone!


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