Friday, March 27, 2009

Report: Bin Laden in Iran, Met With Ahmadinejad

Posted by Ryan Mauro
Following my article detailing Osama Bin Laden’s past stay in Iran comes this report from Gordon Thomas.
Thomas, a well-known author on intelligence topics, writes that the head of MI6 is holding a secret conference next week where he’ll disclose to U.S. intelligence personnel that they “have been certain for some time” that Bin Laden is in Iran. According to the report, he left the Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan in December 2008 to move to Baluchistan. From there, an Iranian military helicopter airlifted him to Tehran where he met with President Ahmadinejad in January. Days later, his four wives entered Iran as well.
Thomas says that Bin Laden made the trip so he could get a kidney transplant. “In February he underwent surgery at a medical facility in a high-security compound” near Tehran.
There is significant debate over whether Bin Laden really has a problem with his kidneys. Richard Miniter in Disinformation made a convincing that this is a myth, but not everyone is so sure.


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