2 tree trimmers held in beheading
Looks like some Americans have enthusiastically embraced the cultures and values of Islam and the Third World!

By Juan Ortega and Sallie James
By Juan Ortega and Sallie James
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
August 21, 2007 12:00 AM
Her head was found with a grocery bag, pulled from an Everglades canal nearly four months ago.
Her head was found with a grocery bag, pulled from an Everglades canal nearly four months ago.
Now she has a name: Lorraine Hatzakorzian, 41, of Long Island.
Broward County sheriff's detectives have in custody two suspects, Paul Bryan Trucchio, 33, and Robert Mackey, 39, of Port Orange. The two tree trimmers are charged with felony first-degree murder.Detectives from three agencies, two in Florida and one in New York, weaved together the case against Trucchio and Mackey using DNA, a missing persons report, witness accounts and the suspects' own boasts, officials said.
"The family was devastated to learn what happened, and they're hopefully going to have some type of psychological closure," said Lt. Bob O'Neil with the Broward Sheriff's Office. "We're very happy that it was resolved."
Hatzakorzian lived with her mother in Mastic, N.Y., and the mother reported her disappearance April 21, the Sheriff's Office said.The head was discovered a week later, on April 28, in a canal near Mile Marker 35.7 along the Alligator Alley section of Interstate 75...
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