Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Gordon Brown Afraid To Say The "M" Word!!

Taheri: "Islamophobia" Idiocy
July 3, 2007
In "'Islamophobia' Idiocy" in the New York Post (thanks to WriterMom), Amir Taheri skewers Gordon Brown's ridiculous prohibition on calling the terrorists "Muslims," and explains why this politically correct straitjacket is a bad idea:
THE car-bomb/suicide-terror operations in London and Glasgow should have provided a fresh opportunity for reminding everyone, especially Muslims in Britain, that terrorism in the name of Islam still poses a major threat to public peace and safety. Yet this is not what is happening.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown keeps repeating that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam - but, at the same time, keeps inviting "Muslim community leaders" to Downing Street to discuss how to prevent attacks. If the attacks have nothing to do with Islam, why invite Muslim "leaders" rather than Buddhist monks?
Brown hasn't deemed fit to tell it like it is: that Muslims in Britain, indeed all over the world, must come out and condemn terrorism in unambiguous terms.
If Islam is the religion of peace, then the real Islamphobes are those who planted the car bombs in London and Glasgow - not the poor Brits who are censoring themselves and curbing their hard-won freedoms in order not to offend "the Muslim community."
Read it all...
Brown: Don't say terrorists are Muslims
They are Muslims, of course, and they use core Islamic texts and teachings to justify their actions, but never mind that. We wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Let's just pretend that isn't happening, and maybe it will go away. The "war on terror" is over too. We're just dealing with a few bad apples, that's all. Nothing to be concerned about...


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