Mohammed Is The Antichrist
A number of infidels around the world, and pretty much all of the clueless Dhimmicrats, keep asking:
Who are these Asian youths and who are they taking orders from?
The answer is both simple and painfully obvious

They all are MUSLIMS and they all declare proudly, vehemently, loudly and repeatedly that they take their orders from THE KORAN AND ONLY FROM THE KORAN. (This is what makes them so superior, don't you see?)
The poisonous words and diabolical dellusions of the "Prophet" Mohammed (MAY HIS SOUL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY) rule everything they do and say in every aspect of their lives - in every country they pollute. All that they do, they do in the name of Allah. And Allah only.
Our enemy is Islam
Very important: View 12 minutes from the documentary
"Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West"
And view online in it's enirety for just $4.95 here:
Just think, we live in such a world where THIS is necessary.
And we have Islam to thank, and nothing else:
World Under Fire
I despise Muslims for many things, but not as you do. I also despise many of the neo-radical militant, but sanctioned, Jewish and Christian group that, unlike Muslim governments use their firepower to kill and maim in the name of preemptive strategies, spreading more instability in recent years than did Muslims in the last 1400 years.
Western governments are responsible for the death of over 100 million civilians with their weapons of mass destruction throughout history, for eliminating indigenous populations, for bringing close to extinction or actually doing this to several species, for polluting our world for intimidating other nations, for slavery and other evil things... what did Muslims do to deserve your rampant open onslaught? More than that or less—did you ask yourself this?
And other-than-Muslims have raised the specter of chaos and instability worldwide to new highs recently. In a War III scenario, you'd find out that Muslims collectively own less firepower or destructive-potential than perhaps Swedes.
Wait until we see what an emerging China will deal to the world? Hah, the USSR have wreaked chaos in Afghanistan and Chechnya and other places, but hey, who can talk to them? As did China to its own constituency for decades, as does Africa now and many others. Hell, who do you think are the biggest agents of white slavery today, the young European prostitutes populating Europe, Asia and the Middle East now? Check it out and you're in for surprises.
Only yesterday, our beloved Allied forces killed over 170 Afghanis, most of whom where children, women and animals. Well, they apologized, so it's ok now! In Lebanon our beloved Israel wiped clean whole neighborhoods in southern Beirut because they kidnapped a soldier… I guess they had all the right to defend themselves against those who they also happen to occupy and rob in daylight and under the noses of our beloved Western nations. Add up a zillion other breaches of simple humanity laws inside Israel.
You see: the problem is that only those who lack media power end up in the convicts' chair end up getting all the slurs and curses. No body understands why they are the way they are, fighting and cursing the world while the others operate free of accusation, vandalizing, destroying, killing and righting history. Add up all the mess that Muslims have created and it doesn't qualify for a dent in the shell of our global stability, now or ever.
People like you spread misinformation that isn't helping the globe. Hate mongering is what got us here and will take us there, to hell eventually. I don't think you be able to fathom the misery we're being driven to because of such misinformation. All you nee to do is to look objectively at our world with an open heart to see clearly how we're all sinners and we're all losers at the end of the day. That's a Christian, Jewish and Muslim attitude.
Suggested reading . . .
Understanding Muhammad: A Psycho-biography of Allâh’s Prophet by Ali Sina
A devastating revelation of the chronology of ol' Mo's psychotic self serving - 'allah' and related revelations.
to altos joispa: You are an apologist for Islam. This is not about hating Isam...Islam hates all infidels.Read the Koran. We are all dhimmis to Islam.Period. In your apologetics regarding Islam you attempt to equate Christianity and Judaism with Islam. Does NOT compute!The history of mankind has always been a mixture of kindness and brutality.Man is imperfect.The wars you mention were never condoned by anything you will read in the Torah or the Christian Bible. Chistianity and Judaism do NOT teach that if you are not a Christian or a Jew that you are a dirty ape...a dog and then command that you must die or pay the jizya. READ THE KORAN that IS what ISLAM teaches. Ignorance of Islam will get you killed.
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