Islam's peace and tolerance: Lost in translation
Written by Circe
Thursday, 28 June 2007
On the 9th of June (Heraldsun Melb) we read that a Muslim insurgent group offered Iraqi Christians the option to convert , marry their daughters to Muslim fighters (carrying out their self-improving Jihad against other Iraqi's, Muslim or not!) pay the jizyah tax (levied on Jews/Christians and used for Muslims) or leave! Remaining means certain death. But this is not only the threat from 'insurgents', it is also the threat and practice of Sunni and Shiite groups in Iraq.

Hindus in Bangladesh have also been given the option of conversion or death, and had their daughters raped and stolen, their homes burnt.
Remember the tortured, beheaded Christians in modern Turkey and the genocide of 1 to 1.5 million Christian Armenians. Christian schoolgirls were beheaded in Indonesia, bombing of churches etc is frequent and in 2000/2001 many Christians were slaughtered, forced to convert and females genitally mutilated…What about Palestine where Christians suffer violence, rape, arson, vandalism and are rapidly disappearing? In Africa Arab Muslims kill, enslave, rape and take land from black Muslims, Christians, Animists and others eg Sudan, Chad….
And those bordering Muslim countries face constant violence eg Thailand, India… Note recent riots re Salman Rushdie, don't forget those cartoons and of course those lovely placards held by Muslims in Britain promising slaughter to Jews and Britons…
I know there are so-called moderate Mohammedans in the West that publicly decry (when asked) the gruesomeness of violent Islamists. But you know the Mainstream media reports the acts of violent Islamists and blame Western society for that violence. My thinking is Mohammed is who he was and the writings attributed to his oral tradition and the oral lore of Mohammed's companions and whatever so-called holy writings are what they are. They are all a violent ideology of world conquest and bringing cadres into a Theo-political movement as its cancer spreads the world.
And so I know their are good people that are Mohammedans, but most of these live in the West and only the very, very few of these Mohammedans go on the offensive initiative to denounce Islamist actions.
So yes in my verbose way I agree: "Islam's peace and tolerance: Lost in translation."
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