Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Call me an Islamophobe, please. Seriously.

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
7/23/07 ( Kishtwar, India ) - The Mujahideen kidnap and execute a 22-year-old man who was collecting firewood.
7/23/07 ( Anantnag, India ) - Islamic militants ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
7/23/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) - A 35-year-old is shot to death while fishing in a pond.
7/23/07 ( Boumerdes, Algeria ) - An Algerian security personnel is killed in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
7/23/07 ( Muqdadiyah, Iraq ) - Muslim gunmen take down two electrical workers.
7/23/07 ( Khanqeen, Iraq ) - Five truck drivers are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
Articles & Commentary
Children of the Red Mosque (Herald Tribune) Schooled in the Qur'an and Hadith (otherwise known as 'radical Islam') the students of Pakistan's Jamia Hafsa school may be dishing out martyrdom attacks for decades to come.
Electing Allah (NY Post) Islam tightens its grip in Turkey, threatening to roll back reforms that have stood for nearly a century.
(Video) Execution in the Name of Allah (Kaminger) This graphic act is an execution rather than a terror attack, but it does show how easy killing in the name of religion is in the Islamic world.
Jewish Access to Holy Sites Under 'Tolerant' Islam (American Thinker) Let's see, this sounds kind of familiar. Muslims are treated much better than they've treated others, yet they still do nothing but gripe.
Suing Anti-Terror Tipsters (NY Post) Want to report suspicious activity in America? Better get a lawyer first.


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