Tuesday, July 24, 2007

On patrol with Iran's fashion police

Jul 24 10:44 AM US/Eastern
It all starts with one simple sentence, spoken almost in a whisper, but which has a thunderous effect.
A female police officer deployed in Tehran's latest moral crackdown tells a woman that her manto (overcoat) is too short and infringes Iranian Islamic dress rules.
"Azizam (my dear), good afternoon, if possible could we have a friendly chat, please allow us to have a small chat," the officer, a graduate of Tehran's police academy, tells the young woman.
"My dear there is a problem with your manto. Please do not wear this kind of manto. Please wear a longer manto from now on."
Some are just let go there, but others are escorted to waiting minibuses with dark black tinted window panes and labelled "Guidance Patrol."
A girl in a short white manto whose long hair was tumbling out the front of her headscarf is taken by the police to one of the minibuses on Vanak Square in central Tehran -- an unexpected and unhappy end to her shopping trip.
Another arrested woman is already inside the bus. She begins to cry. "I promise, I promise!"
And the minibus doors slam shut...


Blogger Bradly Jones said...

wow! i still can't believe this.
i guess you have to do more research on the country you are visiting before making your trip.

cheap call to Iran

10:43 AM  

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