Friday, July 13, 2007

"American workers have bad attitudes, and have lousy work ethics": Labor Secretary Elaine Chao

Letter From Curtis Collier
President of U.S. Border Watch
Labor Secretary Elaine Chao is quoted in Parade magazine saying,
"American workers have bad attitudes, and have lousy work ethics"
She also thinks American workers need to dress better, and have better personal hygiene, and that American workers need to take anger management classes.
This is the Labor Secretary of the United States making these comments.
How can she represent the American worker when she has no respect for the American worker?
Micheal Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security said last week that the immigration laws we have are unenforceable.
Well Mr Chertoff how would you know being as you have never enforced the laws?
Let's look at a few of the laws he has never enforced:
By law we are suppose to have close to 3000 more border patrol and investigators.
By law we are suppose to have over 15,000 more detention beds.
By law we are suppose to prosecute anyone caught illegally entering this country.
By law we are suppose to prosecute anyone smuggling illegal aliens into the U.S. no matter the size of the group.
By law it is illegal to hire illegal aliens in this country.
By law we are suppose to have a fence on our southern border.
What we need is someone in charge who is willing to enforce the law and Mr Chertofff is not that person. He has spent months running around this Country pushing amnesty instead of enforcing the law.
Our Goverment has failed the American people on immigration not because of our immigration laws but because they don't won't the jobs to go to American workers.We have law firms teaching big business how to get around hiring American workers, we have a Labor Secretary trashing the American worker, we have a President talking about all these jobs Americans won't do, we have a Justice Dept. who would rather stand up for drug smugglers than our Border Patrol,and we have a Secretary of Homeland Security who is unwilling to enforce the law and spends all his time pushing amnesty. What we have is a Goverment in full assault on the American worker.
It's time for the American people to rise up and demand a pardon for our Border Patrol agents, the resignation of Johnny Sutton,Alberto Gonzales, Elaine Chao, and Michael Chertoff.It's time to demand that those who won't do their jobs, and are hostile to the American worker and our law enforcement personell be replaced by those who will do their jobs, will put law enforcement before Mexico's interest and will stand up for the American worker


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