Saturday, May 05, 2007

Terrorists say anti-war statements moment of glory for global 'resistance movements'

Democrat debate 'victory for Iraqi insurgents'
Posted: April 27, 20071:24 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
TEL AVIV – Democratic presidential hopefuls flashing their anti-war credentials last night at a national debate by stating they would immediately withdraw from Iraq, encouraged Palestinian terrorist leaders here, who labeled the debate a victory for Iraqi insurgents and "resistance movements" throughout the world.
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"I think democrats will do good if they will withdraw as soon as they are in power... if elected to the White House, the Democrats will immediately order a withdrawal from Iraq... if a retreat is not carried out, the U.S. will likely be attacked on the home front.... The (Democrat) debate showed that like in Vietnam the American people needed these thousands of soldiers killed to see that invading other people will always result in a failure. ... I think the Democrats will win and apply an immediate withdrawal, but if they don't (withdraw), the revolutionary movements in Iraq will intensify attacks, and I think you should prepare for another big attack in the U.S." - Abu Jihad, one of the overall leaders of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror organization.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say ameriki needing for remember vietnam war ending.

when last helicopter flying away the usa embassey how long before the gun of war going silent?

Answer: 3 day and now peace more than 30 years among vietnam people. back then time usa govt and control media say the same lying excuse for continue the kill.

special important: not the single viet cong coming for attack amerika during all this thirty year.

now patriotc ameriki man him needing for destroy israeli spy operations in usa starting with elimination the necon sending him to iraq for living in baghdad with mccain tell evryone how safe.

11:27 PM  

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