Saturday, May 05, 2007

Protest Against CAIR Commissioner in New York

Saturday, May 05, 2007

There’s a protest planned tonight in Manhattan beginning at 7 pm, to demand that Mayor Michael Bloomberg fire Omar Mohammedi from the NYC Commission on Human Rights.
When Mr. Mohammedi isn’t guarding human rights for New York City, he serves as president of the New York branch of the Hamas-linked radical Islamic front group called the Council on American Islamic Relations, and he’s the lawyer who plans to sue unnamed “John Doe” airline passengers who report suspicious behavior.
(New York, NY) Chairman of Americans Against Hate Joe Kaufman, who will be leading a protest against a Hamas-related group in Manhattan tonight, sent a strong letter to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, calling on him to release Omar Mohammedi from his Commission seat on the NYC Commission on Human Rights.
The position was given to him by Mayor Bloomberg in October of 2002. Mohammedi is the President of the New York chapter of CAIR, a group that was created by a front for Hamas called the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP).
In the letter, Kaufman said, “Mr. Mayor, your appointment of Omar Mohammedi to a commission on human rights has done nothing but dishonor those that were murdered on 9/11. Mohammedi should not sit on any kind of human rights commission. He should be shunned.” Much of the content of the letter will be stated at Kaufman’s speech tonight, at:
7:45 pm. The protest begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. Protest details: Day / Time: Saturday, May 5, 2007, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: outside Manhattan Center Studios, at 311 W. 34th St.
There will be refreshments


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