Friday, May 04, 2007

CAIR seeking DHS Grant Money "to protect U.S. mosques, Islamic centers from terrorists"

CAIR eyes share of $24 million of DHS grant money
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2007-05-01 09:00.
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By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
The Council on American Islamic Relations to use "hate crime data" to have U.S. taxpayers fund security and "target hardening" at U.S. Mosques and Islamic Centers, all of which are considered "vulnerable to terrorist attack," according to CAIR.
1 May 2007: For the last several years, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been working overtime to obtain "protected victim status" for American Muslims, citing numerous incidents of dubious validity as examples of "hate crimes" against Muslims. Renowned author Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch addressed this very issue in an article dated May 18, 2005, citing the research of Dr. Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha that suggests a deliberate misrepresentation and exaggeration of CAIR’s statistics.
A brief audit of CAIR’S annual report by Dr. Pipes and Ms. Chadha found instances of "bogus" entries, or inclusions of incidents that were distorted, thus causing it to appear that "anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States" have risen dramatically. In 2005, consequently, headlines in the mainstream media screamed "Muslims Report 50% Increase in Bias Crimes."


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