Friday, May 04, 2007

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder - Toynbee

All I can say is that this is another black mark against our country when we give in to demands made by the very people who are trying to destroy our way of life and our country, we need to stand up and tell these people that this is America and either you fit into our culture or leave as fast as we can get you our of here.
Monday, April 30, 2007
I read an on line article yesterday concerning Muslim Taxi drivers and an airport in Kansas City. This article said that the airport was giving in to demands by the Muslims to allow them inside the airport in order to use the restrooms so they would be able to wash their feet three times before praying to Allah. The article even went on to say how the airport will install facilities for just this ritual in Islamic belief
Kansas City airport is not the only airport looking to accommodate the Muslims it has been reported that certain airports in Minnesota are also looking at ways to give into the demands of Muslims there, what I would like to know is just who in the hell these Muslins think they are making demands of businesses to accommodate their religious beliefs, when if we Christians or Jews or any other religious groups tried to do this our government and the ACLU would be denouncing us and demanding that we cease and desist in our efforts to have equal status in things religious.


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