Monday, May 07, 2007

Postcards from the Edge

American Chronicle:
Economist Paul Roberts wrote on January 21, 2003, “Will America become a Third World country in 20 years?” In the Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 2003, “But as the US economy shifted toward service jobs, factory jobs have steadily lost—in fact in just the past 39 months, some 2.8 million jobs vanished.” Where are they going? China. India. Mexico. Deep into the Third World! “You Americans have lived an artificially high standard of living for a long time,” a man working one our jobs outsourced to India wrote me. “It’s time you Americans drop to the poverty levels of the rest of the Third World.” American jobs are offshored, insourced and outsourced at such blinding speed that millions of American citizens stand in unemployment lines every morning while the rest of us go to work, that is, if we still have jobs.
Family Security Matters:
The President has been trying to paint a rosy picture pertaining to our illegal immigration crisis. Last year he claimed that because arrests along the Mexican border were up, it should be interpreted that the Border Patrol was doing its job and the Border Patrol was dealing with the flood of illegal aliens across that border. This year the Border Patrol is claiming to be making fewer arrests and the President is now claiming that this indicates that there are fewer illegal aliens crossing our border with Mexico. It would seem that no matter what the statistics are, the President would find a way of showing that the crisis along our border with Mexico is being taken care of. It is a bit like saying, "Heads they win; tails we lose!"
Kansas City Star:
The New York Times is always ready and willing to serve as lead public relations staffers for the open-borders movement. On May Day, the day of mass illegal-alien protests across the country, the paper saw fit to print a front-page sob story decrying rising illegal-alien deportations. “Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, facing intense political pressure to toughen enforcement (read: do their jobs), removed 221,664 illegal immigrants from the country over the last year,” The Times reported ominously. That’s “an increase of more than 37,000 — about 20 percent — over the year before, according to the agency’s tally.” 221,664. Big number. It certainly sounds like we’re getting serious about immigration enforcement, if you believe what The Times tells you. But you know better than that. It’s what the paper didn’t tell you on the day of the pro-amnesty demonstrations that provides the truly alarming news. Far from a nation that takes its immigration laws seriously, we remain in a shoddy, dangerous state of immigration non-enforcement nearly six years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — chaos that will only worsen if Congress and the White House join hands on a “comprehensive” illegal-alien amnesty plan.
The Washington Times:
A Maryland-based immigrant-advocacy group is distributing guidebooks instructing those targeted by federal immigration agents during job-site raids not to cooperate with authorities if they are arrested or detained. The eight-page, two-color illustrated book lists what rights "people who are not United States citizens" have if detained by immigration agents, details what to do if served with a warrant or charged with a crime, and urges them to remain silent if they are arrested. The book also says they should refuse to provide authorities with any information about their immigration status. Included in the book is a "Know Your Rights" card to be cut out and presented to arresting agents, showing that those detained choose to exercise their "right to remain silent, the right to refuse to answer your questions" and to "refuse to sign anything until I consult with my attorney." The book, which features cartoonlike drawings of armed black and white police officers escorting Hispanic men in handcuffs and shows babies crying because their fathers are behind bars, is the product of CASA of Maryland Inc., working with other organizations.


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