Monday, April 23, 2007

Illegal Aliens - the gift that keeps on giving

Published by The Watchdog
April 22nd, 2007
Authorities can’t explain why alien who killed father of 5 still in U.S.
When Isidro Pena Soto’s SUV slammed into an oncoming pickup truck, after passing another car at 90 miles-per-hour, the illegal alien who had been arrested or convicted at least nine times since 2003 made Kent Boone the fifth fatality in two weeks along a dangerous stretch of Northern California highway.
“Redwoods Or Immigrants?”
That’s America’s Choice On Earth Day 2007
April 21, 2007
April 22 is Earth Day.
But for genuine environmentalists, April truly is the cruelest month. So many of those who claim to care about the health of the planet are stuck in an ideology that ignores the obvious: As Jacques Cousteau observed: “Population growth is the primary source of environmental damage.”
San Joaquin Farmland Disappearing At Record Rate
A Record Loss Of Farmland Has Occurred In The Last Two Years
Bargain Homes Popping Up In Prime Farmland
Feb 14, 2007 3:59 pm US/Pacific
(AP) TULARE, Calif. In just two years, more than 18,800 acres of farmland in several San Joaquin Valley counties became subdivisions, shopping malls or other developments, setting a new state record for loss of farmland, according to newly released state data.


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