Monday, April 23, 2007

Postcards from the Edge

Houston Chronicle
A pickup suspected of carrying several illegal immigrants crashed near Columbus on Sunday when the driver apparently lost control of the vehicle, authorities said. -- An off-duty Goliad County deputy constable called authorities after spotting the speeding truck on eastbound Interstate 10.
Rick Oltman
Photos from D. A. King's rally opposite the White House in Washington, D. C. today. Photos provided by Rick Oltman of Californians for Population Stabilization.
McClatchy Newspapers
Enrique Valdovinos ran the Mexican restaurant Los Caporales - which means "The Cattle Bosses" - just outside Columbia. -- But Valdovinos had a secret life. He had hidden in a car trunk to enter the United States illegally and had gone into drug smuggling. In fact, he had become a major local dealer...
Frank Miele -- Daily Interlake -- Kalispell, Montana
You would think that "immigration reform" would have something to do with immigration, but it really doesn't. -- Immigration is the orderly process of entering a foreign country by applying for a visa, meeting certain requirements of residency, waiting in line, and then being invited to cross the border...
Washington Times
The leaders of the U.S. Border Patrol's rank-and-file agents have unanimously voted a no-confidence resolution against Chief David V. Aguilar, citing, among other things, his willingness to believe the "perjured allegations" of criminal aliens over his own agents.
The Stein Report
An excerpt from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' testimony before the Senate last week: Sen. Cornyn: I've received a number of complaints from constituents about the prosecution and jailing of two Border Patrol agents from the El Paso area, agents Ramos and Compean . . .Do you believe that the public has been fully informed...
San Francisco Chronicle
Mayor Gavin Newsom vowed Sunday to maintain San Francisco as a sanctuary for immigrants and do everything he can to discourage federal authorities from conducting immigration raids. -- The mayor cannot stop federal authorities from making arrests, Newsom told about 300 mostly Latino members of St. Peter's Church...
Associated Press
Tucson -- Tucson activists are calling for high school and college students to boycott school and participate in a planned May 1 march for [illegal alien... criminal] "rights." -- The march will coincide with similar work and shopping boycotts in Phoenix and throughout the country on May 1.
Editorial -- Arizona Daily Star -- Tucson
"This measure will result in more deaths, detentions, deportations and criminal prosecutions," said Isabel Garcia, co-chair of Derechos Humanos, which works to protect the rights of [illegal aliens... criminals]. "The act will militarize the border even more. We're moving toward a police state."
The Texas legislature moved closer to blocking the Trans-Texas Corridor last week with a bill that would place a two-year moratorium all public- private partnerships that would involve the construction of new toll roads financed and operated by private foreign investment groups.


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