Saturday, April 21, 2007

Iraqi "Sleeper Agent" found guilty by federal jury

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2007-04-18 20:25. read more

18 April 2007: Sami Khoshaba LATCHIN, the Iraqi-born U.S. citizen who was convicted of spying for Iraq under former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was found guilty on Monday of the 5 charges filed against him in 2004. LATCHIN, formerly of 9399 Bay Colony Dr., Des Plaines, Illinois, arrived in the U.S. as a refugee in 1993 and later got a job as a gate agent at O'Hare International Airport. As we reported in 2004, Iraqi sleeper agents have made their way into the U.S. for the purpose of launching future terror attacks inside this country. This was further substantiated during LATCHIN’S two-week trial, where three officers from the Iraqi Intelligence Service confirmed that LATCHIN was a spy who had been ordered to settle and blend into U.S. society.
LATCHIN, who was convicted of lying on a citizenship application, conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of Iraq, acting as an unregistered agent of Iraq, lying to the FBI and engaging in a prohibited financial transaction with Iraq, could receive up to 40 years in prison, will be sentenced in July.


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