Monday, April 23, 2007

Illegal immigration: Are we just too stupid to solve it?

“The nation of the United States has a right to enforce its citizenship and residency rules, and we are under no obligation to provide jobs to people who should not be here in the first place. If you cannot understand that, then you simply don’t understand the concept of nationhood.”
Editorial: Are We Just Too Stupid To Solve Illegal Immigration?
Apr 22, 2007
Published by GuardDog April 23rd, 2007
You would think that “immigration reform” would have something to do with immigration, but it really doesn’t.
Immigration is the orderly process of entering a foreign country by applying for a visa, meeting certain requirements of residency, waiting in line, and then being invited to cross the border.
Of course, it has not always been that way. I suppose in the 13th century when the Mongols invaded Europe, they might have thought of their sweeping presence as a kind of “immigration” — and who in Austria would have had the temerity to stamp “visa denied” on the broad swords of the khans?
Come to think of it, perhaps immigration these days really isn’t all that different from the 13th century — at least that is what you would believe if you listen to President Bush and many leading Democrats talk about “immigration reform.”
Although the invasion of the United States by Mexico has been much less violent than the invasion of Europe by the Mongol hordes, it should not be considered any less significant. There are at least 12 million people who have swept across our southern border in the past 20 years, and now they are asking the government of the United States to surrender to them...


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