Ideology is their strength... Superstition is their weakness

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TROP: The grim reality that importing a large number of Muslims for no conceivable reason wasn't such a good idea (in retrospect) is starting to sink in with the good people of Norway. Crime, particularly rape, has skyrocketed in Muslim areas and the nation's women have borne the brunt of this cultural Jihad in what used to be a safe countryAnti-immigration politicians are now threatening to break out the big guns. They are encouraging residents around a public square to use pigs' feet and "squealing noises" to ward off Friday prayers.Yeah, good luck with that. If there's one thing to be learned from the film, Deliverance, it's that if your enemy has you squealing like a pig, then it's already too late.
European Multiculturalism in Disarray Over Islam (The Gathering Storm) Too late for second thoughts?
Jihad du Jour (Latest News of the Day)
Malaysian TV Show Banned after Comparison to Muhammad Wife
Ahmadinejad: Zionists are 'Incarnation of Satan'...
Italy: Man Keeps Wife Under Lock and Key...
'Islam Itself is the Problem. Islam is a Violent Religion'...
Muslim Communities Shelter Terrorists in Thai South...
Norwegians Threatening to 'Squeal Like Pigs'...
UK Police Grill Students Over Cartoons...
Canada: Concerns Over Cleric's Support for Terror, Islamic State
US: MN Cabbies Stand Firm on Enforcement of Islamic Law...
Islamic Terror's War on You
Thai Islamists Ambush, Shoot 7 Students...
Article Links Ohio Professor to Extremist Web Site...
Doctor Kidnapped, Murdered in Afghanistan - New Bombing Kills Two Others...
A Teacher is Abducted and Beheaded - 'Hypocrite' Written on Forehead...
Militant Behind Massacre of 35 Hindus Killed by Indian Security Forces...
Jemaah Islamiah Aspires to Being the Next Hamas...
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