Friday, February 23, 2007


CNN Lou Dobbs
Corporate lobbyists and special interest groups are helping Senator Edward Kennedy write legislation that would give millions of illegal aliens amnesty. The legislative work is being done in secret. Taxpayers who will ultimately have to pay for that legislation for amnesty will not have a voice. The Chamber of Commerce and groups like it have been allowed to hijack a large part of the process and even write part of the legislation. Senator Ted Kennedy and his staff have been quiet on the details of their new immigration proposal. It's by invitation only. Even moderate Republicans like Senator Arlen Specter have not been offered a seat at the table. But the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests are having a hand in offering the legislation. One Republican Hill staffer complained, "The Chamber has seen more than the senators when it comes to the actual writing on paper." Roy Beck of Numbers USA said: "Senator Kennedy has been inviting the stakeholders of this bill to come in. So that's the Chamber of Commerce. And it's the National Council of La Raza, and it's the immigration attorneys. Basically, the stakeholders are people who make money or gain power off of it. But how about the American people?"
CNN Lou Dobbs
Federal prosecutors have indicted three top executives of a nationwide cleaning service. The federal investigation also led to the arrest of about 200 illegal aliens working for the company. Sixty-three raids were carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They involved restaurants in 40 cities and 17 states.
Dubbed "Operation Cleanup," investigators closed in on RCI Inc., a Florida-based janitorial services company. According to Julie Myers of ICE, "This morning, company president Richard Rosenbaum was arrested on numerous criminal charges, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, harboring illegal aliens for profit, and evading payment of federal employment taxes. The company's vice president and the comptroller have also been indicted." They face a 23-count indictment. Their motivation? John Imoff, Chief of Investigations, said: "It's all about the money. In this case, about $18 million. Worth about $18 million in federal employment taxes that should have been withheld from the employees' wages and turned over to the IRS to pay income, Social Security, Medicare taxes, and unemployment taxes.
(Employers take note: If your company employees illegal aliens, you could be facing charges similar to those described in this federal indictment filed against the executives of RCI. If you are a legitimate business person that faces unfair competition from companies that use cheap illegal alien labor, report them to ICE. If you fail to report those who are harming your business, you deserve to go out of business -- it's really that simple.)
Theme for Lent is immigration
Southland Roman Catholics are urged to fast and take other steps to help ease the burden of underdogs.
By Jennifer Delson and Tami Abdollah, Times Staff WriterFebruary 22, 2007
Roman Catholic leaders in Orange and Los Angeles counties marked Ash Wednesday — the start of a season of repentance and reflection — with a plea to Catholics and others to commit themselves to immigration reform.
In Orange County, the church asked people to fast — consuming liquids only — for one day between March 26 and 30 as an appeal for citizenship opportunities for undocumented immigrants and reductions in visa application backlogs for the families of immigrants.
The church also called for a temporary worker program.


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