Thursday, February 22, 2007

Exclusive: Illegal Alien Crime Against Americans Intolerable

The Family Security Foundation, Inc. Date: February 19, 2007
FSM’s illegal immigration series has detailed the many crimes committed against Americans who have died at illegals’ hands at a rate much higher, we might add, than Americans who have died fighting in Iraq. In this 22nd installment, FSM attempts to summarize this overwhelming crisis and cost to the American taxpayer.

Illegal Alien Crime Against Americans Intolerable
By The Editors
While FSM’s illegal immigration series has attempted to put a personal face on the collateral damage of illegal alien crime, note that many of the links in the series detailing some of the crime are dependent on the archiving time of some of the various sources who make their articles available. Once taken down, many of the crimes simply “disappear” from the American consciousness (if they ever made it into such consciousness in the first place).
As an example, we’re willing to bet that most people living outside of the Denver metro are not aware that in the fall of 1999 five Asian gang members, illegal aliens as it was reported many years later, kidnapped and gang raped a University of Colorado coed. Initiation rites were involved and they specifically targeted a “white woman.”
If it weren’t for the archiving efforts of some groups fighting illegal immigration, general knowledge of such incidents would be lost to all but the most serious researcher.
Even with the internet it is very difficult to track down and report the participation level of illegal aliens in crime because NO ONE IS KEEPING TRACK OF THESE CRIMES.
However, as this series has detailed and documented, crime against Americans by illegal aliens is quite considerable, has reached the level of intolerable and is the direct consequence of our unfettered immigration policy, porous borders, sanctuary cities, and lack of enforcement...


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