Thursday, February 08, 2007


America is not a country to be divided. America is a great Nation. America is my home.
Anyone who doesn't like it is invited to leave and to go live in Zimbabwe, China, Saudi Arabia, India, Venezuela, North Korea... Cuba, Mexico, Africa... Iran, Bangledesh... Philipines, Malaysia, Thailand... need I go on..?
We are being pulled apart by Muslims who want to secure for all their people a postition of special privilage in society while they use terrorism, the threat of terrorism, our courts and our political system to impliment their own Islamic agenda.
We are being pulled apart by greedy illegal and legal immigrants who have contempt - not loyalty - to our nation but who are happy in taking everything they can from us.
We are being pulled apart by ideological leftwingers intent on emboldening our enemies and poisoning America's future generations - thereby guaranteeing no one will be willing to defend our rights, our Nation's prinicpals or our sovereignty in the future.
We are being pulled apart by RACIST separatist groups like LaRaza, MeCHA, MXGM and others who find the opportunities and liberties America equally affords all law-abiding citizens to be inadequate, and who want to right the wrongs done over hundreds of years of history - a selective history that they refuse to move on from.
The next several posts are from a very impressive site I have just come across:
Welcome to DiscoverTheNetworks.
This site is a "Guide to the Political Left." It identifies the individuals and organizations that make up the left and also the institutions that fund and sustain it; it maps the paths through which the left exerts its influence on the larger body politic; it defines the left's (often hidden) programmatic agendas and it provides an understanding of its history and ideas.
(The resources on this page are devoted to defining the left, which is one of the purposes of this website. For additional conceptual articles about the left, see ISSUES: "Progressive" and "Liberalism," and particularly the articles by Barry Loberfeld and David Horowitz.)
Assets: $329,344,522 (2004)
Grants Received: $71,115,848 (2004)
Grants Awarded: $73,264,051 (2004)
Established in 1993, the Open Society Institute (OSI) is the most prominent of the numerous foundations belonging to the international billionaire financier George Soros, its founder and Chairman.
A key funder of the open borders movement, OSI also supports the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Forum; and the American Immigration Law Foundation. Internal Revenue Service records indicate that OSI made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the "blind sheik" Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.
The Capital Research Center has published a list of additional organizations to which OSI has recently donated money, groups that according to CRC "advocate higher taxes and more government spending, oppose social security reform, litigate against property rights, oppose the death penalty, oppose tough criminal incarceration policies, oppose Bush judicial nominees, and promote balkanizing racial agendas."
The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) describes itself as an organization of “Afrikans in America,” rather than “African Americans,” because it does not view black people in the United States as true Americans but rather as the descendants of forcibly transplanted Africans -- descendants whose very presence in North America is nothing more than an unfortunate legacy of slavery.
*Views the U.S. as a nation rife with racism and oppression of blacks
*Seeks to establish an independent black nation in the
southeastern United States
*Demands reparations payments for slavery
In much of its literature MXGM makes reference to “amerikkka,” whose lower-case spelling connotes contempt and disregard, and whose triple k’s signify the nation’s allegedly irredeemable racism as embodied in the Ku Klux Klan.
Vowing “to defend the human rights of our [black] people and promote self-determination in our community,” MXGM charges that “the collective institutions of white-supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism have been at the root of our [black] people's oppression.” To advance the “struggle for the liberation of the New Afrikan Nation -- By Any Means Necessary,” MXGM’s Free the Land campaign seeks to form an “independent Black Nation on land in north amerikkka.” This proposed entity would be situated in the region that “is primarily known as South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, as well as other areas of what is now called the Black-Belt South, where Afrikan people are in the majority or have a historical/economical/socio-cultural relationship to [sic].” The New Afrikan Nation would have a communist economy where “the major means of production and trade” were placed “in the trust of the state.” In addition, MXGM demands “reparations, or repayment for four hundred years of slavery, colonialism and oppression of our people in the United States of America.” MXGM’s major organizational Programs and Initiatives include the following:
Black August: Established in the California prison system in the early 1970s by members of the Black Liberation Movement
Know Your Rights Information: “Every year thousands of people are improperly stopped, detained, arrested, brutalized and even murdered by the police.
New Afrikan Women’s Caucus: “A committee within MXGM which opposes any form of oppression that limits girls and women
People’s Self-Defense Campaign: Founded on the premise that “people in communities of color are routinely stopped, searched, and detained without probable cause or reasonable suspicion,”
Political Prisoners: Claiming that there are currently more than 100 people “incarcerated in the U.S. because their beliefs and/or actions were in opposition to the repression of this government,”
To carry its message to a new generation of black activists, MXGM has established a Student Committee whose mission is “to reignite black radical politics on college, university campuses and academic settings” that “will work to eliminate oppression upon peoples of African descent/New Afrikans within the United States and abroad.” MXGM provides its members and supporters with a recommended Reading List of “literary works essential to the revolutionary perspective,” including books authored by bell hooks, Elaine Brown, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Alex Haley, Kwame Toure (Stokley Carmichael), Black Panther Party Minister of Information Eldridge Cleaver, Mumia Abu Jamal, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Claude Brown, John Henrik Clarke, Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Alice Walker, W.E.B. DuBois, and Frantz Fanon.
MXGM has received funding from the New York Foundation and George Soros’s Open Society Institute.
CAIR (with it's numerous ties to terrorism) contends that American Muslims are the victims of wholesale repression, and that U.S. foreign policy is largely dictated by Zionist extremists. As Evan McCormick of the Center for Security Policy puts it: "By convincing moderate Muslims that they are being targeted unfairly by the Bush administration's [anti-terror] policies, CAIR incites fear in members of that demographic. If innocent Muslims are then convinced that they will be the target of government action, then they have no incentive to reject an extremist ideology that resists the government's anti-terror policies."
Largest Hispanic organization in the U.S.
Lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education, stricter hate crimes laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens
Open Borders group
Contends that the mythical land of "Atzlan" was stolen from Mexico by the United States
"We see no human being as 'illegal.' Those who have arrived to the U.S. with heritage indigenous to the Americas, and specifically those crossing the southern border, are migrants on their own continent."
The spirit and force of La Raza Unida was truly embodied in Texas under the leadership of Jose Angel Gutierrez, a student and [the] President of the Mexican American Youth Organization." Gutierrez, an open borders advocate who founded La Raza Unida, has stated, "We have an aging white America ... They are dying. ... They are sh---ing in their pants with fear! I love it! ... We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
The most influential Hispanic advocacy group in the United States
A creation of the Ford Foundation, from which is has received more than $25 million.
Advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal immigrants, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and voting rights for criminals.
Founded in 1968 with a $2.2 million "seed grant" from the
Ford Foundation, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) describes itself as "the leading nonprofit Latino litigation, advocacy and educational outreach institution in the United States." MALDEF's mission is twofold: to "safeguard the civil rights of Latinos" and to "expand the opportunities for Latinos" in American society. MALDEF defines the category of Latinos to encompass both American citizens and illegal aliens. Consequently, the organization supports policies that run counter to American laws, especially American immigration laws.
Characterizing the United States as a nation infested with anti-Hispanic bigotry, MAYO identified its top priority as the quest for social justice. The organization stressed Chicano cultural nationalism and sought to achieve its goals via direct political confrontation and mass demonstration. Rejecting diplomacy in favor of a more aggressive style, MAYO made its official logo an Aztec warrior inside a circle. According to the April 3, 1969 Congressional Record, Texas Democratic Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez said that MAYO "styles itself the embodiment of good and the Anglo-American as the incarnation of evil." The organization’s radical leader Jose Angel Gutierrez stated infamously, “We have got to eliminate the gringo [white man], and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
Watada's Revolt-ing Mistrial
By Andrew February 8, 2007
From the fever swamps of the anti-American-war Left a new cause celebre has emerged: Lt Ehren Watada, a soldier from Hawaii who last year refused orders to deploy to Iraq. Yesterday, the judge
declared a mistrial in his court martial proceedings at Ft. Lewis, Washington, claiming Watada did not fully understand a document he signed admitting he had a duty to deploy to Iraq.
But Watada is no fuzzy-minded pacifist conscientious objector. Quite the opposite: If he had any followers, Lt. Watada would be an American caudillo. Watada is on trial effectively for calling for a military coup d’etat to overthrow Congress and the president.
The traitor at home
by Robert Spencer
In "The Enemy at Home: Dinesh D’Souza Takes Sides in the War on Terror—Osama bin Laden's Side" in The Stranger, Bruce Bawer, author of the essential While Europe Slept, follows Dinesh D'Souza's reasoning (in D'Souza's "jaw-droppingly repulsive screed") to its conclusion.
I have written at some length about this book three or four times now, but Bawer has captured the essence of the problem with the book far more concisely and effectively than I ever did, and this is the one piece everyone should read about it.
Exceptional read:
Steyn on the Dhimmicratic National Committee's Imam
Hannity and Colmes continues to feature the Husham Al-Husainy story (video here via YouTube, with thanks to LGF). Here is Mark Steyn getting a bit closer to the heart of the matter than the Coulter-Ferraro imbroglio did, despite the resistance of a relentlessly clueless Alan Colmes.
UPDATE: See this from
Debbie Schlussel. I know how she feels, as they have used my transcript, uncredited of course, and repeated (also uncredited, of course) portions of my analysis. This is certainly annoying, but on the whole I think it's good that the word is getting out, even in this way -- although I don't mean to suggest that Debbie doesn't have a case; she has much more reason to be angry about this than I do.
And also from Mr. Spencer:
In this week's Jihad Watch videoblog at Hot Air I discuss the DNC's imam and his prayer -- with facts you won't hear anywhere in the mainstream media, liberal or conservative or what have you. Of course, that's what the Internet is for.


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