Appeasement takes hold again in Europe

February 5, 2007
Sydney Morning Herald
The last time France was faced with a large-scale threat from something similar - fascism - it reacted with denial, defeat and accommodation. Parallels are drawn by an American writer living in Europe, Bruce Bawer, whose book While Europe Slept describes rapidly growing Muslim enclaves across Western Europe in which women are oppressed, homosexuals are persecuted, infidels are threatened, Jews are demonised, "honour" killings are frequent, forced marriages are routine, and freedom of speech and religion are repudiated.
European political and media establishments turn a blind eye to this in the name of an illusory multicultural harmony...
FRANCE INVADED by Islamic Creationism.
coming soon to an evangelical leftist neighborhood near you too!
Somethings got to give in Europe. The longer it takes the greater the blow-up will be.
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