Wednesday, February 07, 2007

By the way, we are indeed being invaded... and betrayed... and sold out...

Monday, November 13, 2006
Nelson Hultberg
Executive Director of Americans for a Free Republic
Today's political-economic environment is nothing like what the early 20th century immigrants were drawn to. That era was the golden age of freedom in the West. There was no monstrous welfare state to turn hopeful immigrants into leeches on the lives of the American middle class. Our once self-reliant America has degenerated into a pusillanimous nanny state that encourages all manner of slovenliness, illiterateness, anti-Americanism, and ethnic idiocy. In fact it goes out of its way to cultivate such among its own offspring, instituting educational policies and ideologies that dumb the populace down to the lowest common denominator. So, of course, our legislators have no problem with a runaway immigration system that attracts hordes of human illiterates. The more ignorant masses that can be brought to our shores, the easier it is for the charlatans in Washington to be re-elected by pulling the wool over the voters' eyes. Jefferson's vision of an educated electorate and natural aristocracy of merit leading America with high-minded politics is not for today's political humbugs. Today's politicos wish only to appease the corporate-statists with their "come on in" exhortations to Latin America.
A recent report from Colorado school teacher and author, Frosty Wooldridge, gives us a stark view as to how Dr. Hospers' concerns will be answered in the future:
"In a five year study starting in 1999 in Denver Public Schools, 5,663 students started the eighth grade. Five years later, only 1,884 graduated from high school. That's a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate! That's pathetic, if not frightening…"
"What was the cause? First of all, 30,000 illegal aliens, speaking 40 different languages, attended Denver schools. Our classrooms suffered thousands of kids functionally illiterate in English with parents functionally illiterate in English and Spanish. The classrooms featured so much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension, stabbings and death."
"Last week, the Denver Post announced that 30 percent of teachers in Denver schools were not coming back next year. This is a nationwide travesty. "
"We're being colonized with (20 million illegals to date and climbing) crashing our schools, medical systems, language, culture, parks, tax and welfare systems. One look at the headlines of major newspapers across the country echoes and mirrors the Rocky Mountain News." ("Where Is the Outrage,", February 27, 2006.)
The illegals streaming into Dallas, where this writer lives, haven't a clue as to what freedom and its requisites are. They are brazenly anti-American with an arrogant sense of entitlement already built into their personalities. They are erecting in Cox's words, "squatters' camps" that will soon be insisting "that America conform to [their] own cultural assumptions." And those assumptions are that the state is meant to take care of them. Unlike earlier America, we now have a state that will cater to those assumptions. This is the gigantic flaw in the rationale of open border advocates. The quality of immigrants that flow to a welfare state country will not be the same as those who flow to a laissez-faire country. For this reason alone, any influx of immigrants to our nation must be strictly limited...
... Peter Brimelow tells us that, from 1941 to 1967, we averaged 210,000 new immigrants annually. But after the Immigration Act of 1965, that number began climbing rapidly. From 1968 to 1980, we averaged 400,000 immigrants annually. From 1981 to 1993, we averaged 850,000 immigrants annually. The numbers since 1993 have been around 1 million annually. And these are just "legal" immigrants. Compounding this explosion, of course, are millions of "illegals" that stream into our country every year. (Alien Nation, pp. 281-283, Appendix 1 and 1B.)


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