Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mohmmed IS the Antichrist. Literally.

Jesus wouldn't recognise the old neighborhood.
Wherever Mohammed's followers gather mayhem, pain and misery settle in... and the basic philosophies of Christ are heard no more.
Islam is evil. Pure evil.
O, Muslim town of Bethlehem...
16th December 2006
All is quiet in Bethlehem.
On Manger Square, the Church of the Nativity stands in the pale gloom of dusk, its doors open to passing pilgrims.
But inside, the nave is empty of visitors and the collection boxes depleted of coins.
In the candlelit grotto downstairs, a silver star marks the spot where Jesus is supposed to have been born.
It is one of the most sacred sites in Christendom, but there are no tourists queuing to see it.
Just 500 yards down the road, Joseph Canawati is not looking forward to Christmas.
The expansive lobby of his 77-room Hotel Alexander is empty and he says: "There is no hope for the future of the Christian community.
"We don't think things are going to get better. For us, it is finished."

Maybe it's time he paid a visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a huge tragedy what has happened to Bethlehem, a city once populated by a majority of Christians. Thanks to jihadist most Christians have fled Bethlehem.

Here is something interesting about the anti-Christ. Ahmadinejad of Iran has publicly stated that the Mahdi will return to rule for 7 years bringing Islam to the planet.

Is it not interesting that Christians believe the Anti-Christ will oversee 7 years of Tribulation?


Yep Mohammedanism = Anti-Christ.

1:21 PM  

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