Sunday, November 26, 2006

Borders? We don't need no stinkin' borders! Postcards from the edge.

Threat to US citizens forces Mx officials to lock down town,
Tx. Sheriff boosts security
Nov 21, 2006 12:45 PM EST
MUST SEE VIDEO: Threat to US citizens forces Mx officials to lockdown town, Tx. Sheriff boosts security
Threat forces Mx officials to lockdown town, US sheriff's to boost security along river
EAST EL PASO COUNTY, Tx. - Residents of the Mexican border town of Guadalupe, across the Rio Grande from Fabens, are dealing with armed checkpoints and car-by-car searches.
The small farming community is under tight surveillance by officials in Mexico, and now in the United States. The scene in Guadalupe Bravo could most accurately be described as a town under lockdown.
The Mexican military increased its presence in the town, and Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West tells ABC-7 he's ready to send man power into the area on the US side of the border.
Sheriff West added that his office recently heard of plans to kidnap US citizens, and transport them across the border to be killed in Guadalupe. According to Sheriff West, Victor Canello a man with ties to Fort Hancock was taken to Guadalupe and shot.
More info on this story found here:
Out of Iraq - On to the Border Bush Must Relocate Troops
"This is a city of lies," said one of the local reporters whose daily newspaper no longer covers drug killings -
L.A. Times
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- November 24
Pilgrim: Violence by Mexican drug gangs is now threatening the U.S. side of the border, and police are cracking down. Segments: Border // Amnesty Transcript
Los Angeles Times "With government all but ceding control of the border, civil society has fallen into disarray or been cowed into silence. Newspapers in Nuevo Laredo have stopped reporting drug killings under pressure from advertisers, government and drug dealers."
Border war begins in Ciudad Juarez
By Glenn Spencer - April 22, 1998
Source: Calif. Coalition for Immigration Reform
Published: Nov 24, 2006
President Bush and Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon pledged to work closely on border security and migration, which Bush said remains a top priority for his administration. Bush told reporters, "I assured the president-elect that comprehensive immigration reform is something I believe needs to happen."
Under the Bush plan, the U.S. will move its security perimeter to Mexico's southern border. "Mexico's southern border is much shorter than the northern one," Bush pointed out. "It will be easier to patrol to prevent unauthorized entry into both countries."
UN expresses concern about violence against women in Mexico
people's daily online
A UN body on Thursday expressed its deep concern about violence against women in Mexico, particularly in the southern state of Oaxaca and the northern border states.
Teresa Rodriguez, regional director of the United Nations Women's Development Fund, said in a report that such violence had taken place mainly in Cuidad Juarez, a city that borders the United States, where 350 women have been murdered in the past 10 years, but it also spread to other regions of Mexico...


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