Friday, November 24, 2006

"The real Thanksgiving was thanking the Lord for guidance and plenty... and what was essentially free market capitalism" - Rush Limbaugh

Read Rush Limbaugh's "Real Story of Thanksgiving" tribute... it really begins 5 paragraphs into the transcript. It is a good read about what they're NOT teaching your children in history class... It makes you feel good.
(Unlike the Thanksgiving report that follows)
And compare it to what one "teacher" IS "teaching" children about the history of Thanksgiving...
Some abandon traditional Thanksgiving teaching
Associated Press
Schoolchildren are being exposed to the celebration from the American Indian perspective.
LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Teacher Bill Morgan walks into his third-grade class wearing a black Pilgrim hat made of construction paper and begins snatching up pencils, backpacks and glue sticks from his pupils. He tells them the items now belong to him because he "discovered" them...
(what an ass. Why can't he just teach accurately - according to historical documentation?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent juxtaposition interpreting Thanksgiving.

I've read on other blogs about impact pilgrims had on the Wampanoag Indians. What makes these new lessons so incredible is that they interpret history to begin at specific reference point and to hell with all other historic milestones. . . i.e. somehow, the Wampanoag were the indigenous peoples since the beginning of time.
These new age instructors need to be hit on the head with a clue bat. We are in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and their duty is to teach AMERICAN identity - without apologies. When all cultures such as the Wampanoag and muhammedans openly discuss the true history of the indigenous populations they blended with or colonized or eradicated. . .then we'll talk.

11:02 AM  
Blogger jillosophy said...

Thanks AnonYmouse.
I find it interesting that no one ever mentions the fact that the Indian competed with eachother to do business with European traders for decades before we colonized.

11:49 AM  

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