Call me an Islamophobe. Please. Seriously. Part 1
Don't let them fool you! Not for a second!
These "imam's" that got kicked off that place knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Muslims are purposely setting Americans up to choose between being called a bigot, Islamophobe or xenophobe...
Or to do the dhimmi thing and let Muslims conduct themselves with complete impunity in every situation, in every place and time... to allow them to be "above" reproach. Untouchable.

Tell me, what did these guys think would happen? This is EXACTLY what they wanted.
You know what, call me an Islamophobe - please. It would make me proud.
Some Muslims Call Airport Detention Bias
The Associated PressWednesday, November 22, 2006; 6:02 AM
MINNEAPOLIS -- The police report listed the incident as "Security-Other," but some saw the detention of six imams at the airport here as a case of "Flying while Muslim" _ the idea that Muslims come in for extra scrutiny when they fly.
"It's discrimination," Shahin said, calling for a boycott of US Airways.
MINNEAPOLIS -- The police report listed the incident as "Security-Other," but some saw the detention of six imams at the airport here as a case of "Flying while Muslim" _ the idea that Muslims come in for extra scrutiny when they fly.
"It's discrimination," Shahin said, calling for a boycott of US Airways.
Tucker Carlson takes the issue on with idiot spokesman from CAIR:
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia has detained 40 Pakistani Christians for holding prayers at a house in the Muslim kingdom, where practicising any religion other than Islam is illegal, newspapers said on Saturday.
And Ann Coulter is great here:
Six imams removed from a US Airways flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix are calling on Muslims to boycott the airline. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether.
Witnesses said the imams stood to do their evening prayers in the terminal before boarding, chanting "Allah, Allah, Allah" — coincidentally, the last words heard by hundreds of airline passengers on 9/11 before they died.
Witnesses also said that the imams were talking about Saddam Hussein, and denouncing America and the war in Iraq. About the only scary preflight ritual the imams didn't perform was the signing of last wills and testaments.
After boarding, the imams did not sit together and some asked for seat belt extensions, although none were morbidly obese.
Three of the men had one-way tickets and no checked baggage...
(read it all)
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