AS/AQ Video Urges Muslims in the West to Attack...
“Al-Shabab urges Muslims living in the West to follow the footsteps of the Woolwich attack perpetrators, as well as the perpetrators of other attacks in the West, such as Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter; Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber; and Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, the ‘Underwear Bomber,’” the report states.
New Terrorist Video Urges Western Muslims to Emulate London Terror Attack, Fort Hood Shooting – Should We Be Worried?
Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen, the Somali arm of Al Qaeda, on Thursday released an hour-long video asking Muslims around the world to follow in the footsteps of homegrown terrorists and launch attacks against the West, like that of a British soldier hacked to death on a London street in May.

This file image taken from video, and provided by U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group Thursday Sept. 30, 2010 shows a foreign hostage who was among seven seized in Niger by an Al Qaeda offshoot, according to a group that monitors terrorism. The Somalia-based Al-Shabab has released a new video calling for attacks against the West. (AP)
The video’s release comes at a time of growing concern among the U.S. and its allies with recruits from Western nations returning home after receiving terror training.
Al-Shabab’s video, “Woolwich Attack: It’s an Eye for an Eye,” focuses on the May 22 Woolwich attack in London where British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered in broad daylight by two terrorists wielding butcher knives...
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