Friday, January 22, 2010

Call me an Islamaphobe, please. Seriously.

More gems from, written by Lawrence Auster!

We of the West have an enemy, an enemy who is both waging war against us and who has a clearly expressed doctrine of war that he is following; yet the governments of the West refuse as a matter of policy to recognize the existence of this enemy and his openly expressed war doctrine.

The West’s stand toward Islam has been fully revealed this week
Diana West informs us that the Pentagon’s 86 page report on the Fort Hood Massacre, released this week,
... doesn’t mention the words “Muslim,” “Islam,” “jihad,” “Sharia” (Islamic law), “Koran”—despite the fact that we know, among other things, that the killer, who initiated his massacre with a cry of “Allahu Akbar,” was a Muslim inspired by Islam to perform an act of jihad as sanctioned by Sharia derived from the Koran.
Let’s be clear: this is not just “pre-September 11,” since back in the ‘90s and the ‘80s, and at least as far back as the Iranian Revolution, the American government verbally acknowledged the reality of, even if it didn’t do much to oppose, Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism. So this Fort Hood report is beyond a mere “September 10” state of mind—it is off the planet.
We of the West have an enemy, an enemy who is both waging war against us and who has a clearly expressed doctrine of war that he is following; yet the governments of the West refuse as a matter of policy to recognize the existence of this enemy and his openly expressed war doctrine.
Furthermore, Diana West continues, when a person in the West does speak plainly about the enemy and the enemy’s doctrine of war, that person is indicted for the crime of hate speech. Thus the Dutch politician Geert Wilders’s trial for “inciting hatred and discrimination against Islam” has begun this week—the same week that the Islam-free report on the Fort Hood jihadist massacre was published.
Forget about my usual explanation that this is all about liberalism and its prohibition on discriminating against nonwhites and non-Westerners. There is a much simpler explanation: the governments of the West and its main organs of opinion have already surrendered to Islam. Under Islam, criticism of Islam is prohibited.(e.g. the report on Fort Hood) and punished (e.g., the trial of Wilders). It is as simple as that. The governments of the West are now enforcing Islamic law—exactly as Barack Obama pledged to do in his Cairo speech last June, when he declared, “I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at 10:59 AM

Hasan’s superiors privately criticized him, officially praised and promoted him
Look at it this way: Major Nidal Hasan was Barak Obama in another body: an alienated non-Euro incompetent who openly expressed his hostility to America and his identification with Islam, yet who kept getting praised and promoted way beyond what his abilities, performance, and loyalty warranted, until he brought on disaster—and only then did the truth about him begin to be publicly recognized.

A ‘Major’ disaster
New York Post, January 20, 2010

The Fort Hood massacre major repeatedly was ripped by Army brass for unprofessional behavior, poor judgment, lateness and even being too fat—but was still given glowing reports by the same officers.
Nidal Hasan was rated “Outstanding Performance, Must Promote” by one supervisor and “Best Qualified” by another shortly after he barely avoided being put on probation.


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